Releasing 3.0.10

Discussion of general topics related to the new version and its place in the world. Don't discuss new features, report bugs, ask for support, et cetera. Don't use this to spam for other boards or attack those boards!
Forum rules
Discussion of general topics related to the new release and its place in the world. Don't discuss new features, report bugs, ask for support, et cetera. Don't use this to spam for other boards or attack those boards!
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Re: Releasing 3.0.10

Post by callumacrae »

3Di wrote:Hello there, first of all thanks for your attention.
Do not you believe some DEVs like me (yes, I have a lot of projects based on phpBB, open source and free, I get no money for that) are waiting this release before to pubblish our MODs? You wasted your half an hour time doing what? Telling me I am a troll? Pls be polite next time, thanks again.

Discussions are good if constructive, it is better to say it's done when it's done instead to pubblishing bad advertising.

And yes, my time have a cost, like yours. ;)

Have a nice day.
You're weren't being polite, so you shouldn't have expected a polite response ;-)

If you a developer, why not speed up the process by contributing to phpBB? There are tonnes of bugs that need fixing, I'm sure that you're more than capable of fixing a few.
Made by developers, for developers!
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Re: Releasing 3.0.10

Post by bantu »

I am starting the release process now. viewtopic.php?p=230005#p230005

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Re: Releasing 3.0.10

Post by bantu »

Created topic in the private translators forum on ✔
Hey all,

we are about to release phpBB 3.0.10-RC1. You can find the language changes in MOD format as well as in diff format below. Please update your packages so you can turn them in right after the final 3.0.10 release.

Please do not submit your packages into our Customisation Database right now, only packages for final releases should be submitted to the Customisation Database. As always, you will be notified when submissions are open.

The public release preparation topic for 3.0.10 can be found on area51 at viewtopic.php?f=3&t=41699

Thanks :-),
the Development Team

MOD format

Code: Select all

## Title: phpBB 3.0.9 to phpBB 3.0.10-RC1 Language Pack Changes
## Author: naderman < [email protected] > (Nils Adermann) 
## Description: 
##		These are the phpBB 3.0.9 to phpBB 3.0.10-RC1 Language Pack Changes summed up
##		into a little Mod. These changes are only partial and do not include any code
##		changes, therefore not meant for updating phpBB.
## Files To Edit: 
##		language/en/acp/ban.php
##		language/en/acp/board.php
##		language/en/acp/common.php
##		language/en/acp/database.php
##		language/en/acp/forums.php
##		language/en/acp/language.php
##		language/en/common.php
##		language/en/email/admin_welcome_activated.txt
##		language/en/email/privmsg_notify.txt
##		language/en/help_faq.php
##		language/en/install.php
##		language/en/posting.php
##		language/en/ucp.php
## License: GNU General Public License v2 

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 65
	'IP_NO_BANNED'				=> 'No banned IP addresses',
	'IP_UNBAN'					=> 'Un-ban or un-exclude IPs',
	'IP_UNBAN_EXPLAIN'			=> 'You can unban (or un-exclude) multiple IP addresses in one go using the appropriate combination of mouse and keyboard for your computer and browser. Excluded IPs are emphasised.',

	'LENGTH_BAN_INVALID'		=> 'The date has to be formatted <kbd>YYYY-MM-DD</kbd>.',

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------

	'OPTIONS_BANNED'			=> 'Banned',
	'OPTIONS_EXCLUDED'			=> 'Excluded',

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 51
	'WARNINGS_EXPIRE_EXPLAIN'		=> 'Number of days that will elapse before the warning will automatically expire from a user’s record.',

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
	'WARNINGS_EXPIRE_EXPLAIN'		=> 'Number of days that will elapse before the warning will automatically expire from a user’s record. Set this value to 0 to make warnings permanent.',

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 172
	'MIN_CHAR_LIMIT_EXPLAIN'		=> 'The minimum number of characters the user need to enter within a post/private message.',

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
	'MIN_CHAR_LIMIT_EXPLAIN'		=> 'The minimum number of characters the user need to enter within a post/private message. The minimum for this setting is 1.',

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 324
	'BOARD_STARTED'		=> 'Board started',
	'BOARD_VERSION'		=> 'Board version',

	'DATABASE_SERVER_INFO'	=> 'Database server',
	'DATABASE_SIZE'			=> 'Database size',

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------

	// Enviroment configuration checks, mbstring related
	'ERROR_MBSTRING_FUNC_OVERLOAD'					=> 'Function overloading is improperly configured',
	'ERROR_MBSTRING_FUNC_OVERLOAD_EXPLAIN'			=> '<var>mbstring.func_overload</var> must be set to either 0 or 4. You can check the current value on the <samp>PHP information</samp> page.',
	'ERROR_MBSTRING_ENCODING_TRANSLATION'			=> 'Transparent character encoding is improperly configured',
	'ERROR_MBSTRING_ENCODING_TRANSLATION_EXPLAIN'	=> '<var>mbstring.encoding_translation</var> must be set to 0. You can check the current value on the <samp>PHP information</samp> page.',
	'ERROR_MBSTRING_HTTP_INPUT'						=> 'HTTP input character conversion is improperly configured',
	'ERROR_MBSTRING_HTTP_INPUT_EXPLAIN'				=> '<var>mbstring.http_input</var> must be set to <samp>pass</samp>. You can check the current value on the <samp>PHP information</samp> page.',
	'ERROR_MBSTRING_HTTP_OUTPUT'					=> 'HTTP output character conversion is improperly configured',
	'ERROR_MBSTRING_HTTP_OUTPUT_EXPLAIN'			=> '<var>mbstring.http_output</var> must be set to <samp>pass</samp>. You can check the current value on the <samp>PHP information</samp> page.',

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 57
	'FILE_WRITE_FAIL'	=> 'Unable to write file to storage folder.',
	'FULL_BACKUP'		=> 'Full',

	'RESTORE_FAILURE'		=> 'The backup file may be corrupt.',
	'RESTORE_OPTIONS'		=> 'Restore options',

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------
	'RESTORE_SELECTED_BACKUP'	=> 'Are you sure you want to restore the selected backup?',

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 70
	'FORUM_ADMIN_EXPLAIN'				=> 'In phpBB3 there are no categories, everything is forum based. Each forum can have an unlimited number of sub-forums and you can determine whether each may be posted to or not (i.e. whether it acts like an old category). Here you can add, edit, delete, lock, unlock individual forums as well as set certain additional controls. If your posts and topics have got out of sync you can also resynchronise a forum. <strong>You need to copy or set appropriate permissions for newly created forums to have them displayed.</strong>',

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
	'FORUM_ADMIN_EXPLAIN'				=> 'In phpBB3 everything is forum based. A category is just a special type of forum. Each forum can have an unlimited number of sub-forums and you can determine whether each may be posted to or not (i.e. whether it acts like an old category). Here you can add, edit, delete, lock, unlock individual forums as well as set certain additional controls. If your posts and topics have got out of sync you can also resynchronise a forum. <strong>You need to copy or set appropriate permissions for newly created forums to have them displayed.</strong>',

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 57
	'LANGUAGE_KEY'						=> 'Language key',
	'LANGUAGE_PACK_ALREADY_INSTALLED'	=> 'This language pack is already installed.',
	'LANGUAGE_PACK_DELETED'				=> 'The language pack <strong>%s</strong> has been removed successfully. All users using this language have been reset to the boards default language.',
	'LANGUAGE_PACK_DETAILS'				=> 'Language pack details',
	'LANGUAGE_PACK_INSTALLED'			=> 'The language pack <strong>%s</strong> has been successfully installed.',

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------
	'LANGUAGE_PACK_CPF_UPDATE'			=> 'The custom profile fields’ language strings were copied from the default language. Please change them if necessary.',

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 163
	'EMAIL_SMTP_ERROR_RESPONSE'			=> 'Ran into problems sending e-mail at <strong>Line %1$s</strong>. Response: %2$s.',
	'EMPTY_SUBJECT'						=> 'You must specify a subject when posting a new topic.',
	'EMPTY_MESSAGE_SUBJECT'				=> 'You must specify a subject when composing a new message.',
	'ENABLED'							=> 'Enabled',
	'ENCLOSURE'							=> 'Enclosure',

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------
	'ENTER_USERNAME'					=> 'Enter username',

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 199
	'FORUM_LOCKED'			=> 'Forum locked',
	'FORUM_RULES'			=> 'Forum rules',
	'FORUM_RULES_LINK'		=> 'Please click here to view the forum rules',
	'FROM'					=> 'from',
	'FSOCK_DISABLED'		=> 'The operation could not be completed because the <var>fsockopen</var> function has been disabled or the server being queried could not be found.',

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------
	'FSOCK_TIMEOUT'			=> 'A timeout occurred while reading from the network stream.',

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 652
	'UNREAD_MESSAGES'		=> 'Unread messages',
	'UNREAD_PM'				=> '<strong>%d</strong> unread message',
	'UNREAD_PMS'			=> '<strong>%d</strong> unread messages',
	'UNREAD_POST'			=> 'Unread post',
	'UNREAD_POSTS'			=> 'Unread posts',

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------
	'UNWATCH_FORUM_CONFIRM'		=> 'Are you sure you wish to unsubscribe from this forum?',
	'UNWATCH_FORUM_DETAILED'	=> 'Are you sure you wish to unsubscribe from the forum “%s”?',
	'UNWATCH_TOPIC_CONFIRM'		=> 'Are you sure you wish to unsubscribe from this topic?',
	'UNWATCH_TOPIC_DETAILED'	=> 'Are you sure you wish to unsubscribe from the topic “%s”?',

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 704
	'VIEW_TOPIC_STICKY'			=> 'Sticky: ',
	'VISIT_WEBSITE'				=> 'Visit website',

	'WARNINGS'			=> 'Warnings',
	'WARN_USER'			=> 'Warn user',

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------
	'WATCH_FORUM_CONFIRM'	=> 'Are you sure you wish to subscribe to this forum?',
	'WATCH_FORUM_DETAILED'	=> 'Are you sure you wish to subscribe to the forum “%s”?',
	'WATCH_TOPIC_CONFIRM'	=> 'Are you sure you wish to subscribe to this topic?',
	'WATCH_TOPIC_DETAILED'	=> 'Are you sure you wish to subscribe to the topic “%s”?',

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 1
Your account on "{SITENAME}" has now been activated, you may login using the username you received in a previous e-mail.

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
Your account on "{SITENAME}" has been activated by an administrator, you may login now.

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 6


You can view your new message by clicking on the following link:

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 11

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 58
		1 => 'Attempt to locate the e-mail sent to you when you first registered, check your username and password and try again. It is possible an administrator has deactivated or deleted your account for some reason. Also, many boards periodically remove users who have not posted for a long time to reduce the size of the database. If this has happened, try registering again and being more involved in discussions.'

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
		1 => 'It is possible an administrator has deactivated or deleted your account for some reason. Also, many boards periodically remove users who have not posted for a long time to reduce the size of the database. If this has happened, try registering again and being more involved in discussions.'

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 230
	'INSTALL_START'				=> 'Start install',
	'INSTALL_TEST'				=> 'Test again',
	'INST_ERR'					=> 'Installation error',
	'INST_ERR_DB_CONNECT'		=> 'Could not connect to the database, see error message below.',
	'INST_ERR_DB_FORUM_PATH'	=> 'The database file specified is within your board directory tree. You should put this file in a non web-accessible location.',

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------
	'INST_ERR_DB_INVALID_PREFIX'=> 'The prefix you entered is invalid. It must start with an alphanumeric character and must only contain alphanumeric characters, numbers and underscores.',

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 351
	'SYNC_TOPICS'				=> 'Starting to synchronise topics',
	'SYNC_TOPIC_ID'				=> 'Synchronising topics from <var>topic_id</var> %1$s to %2$s.',

	'TABLES_MISSING'			=> 'Could not find these tables<br />» <strong>%s</strong>.',
	'TABLE_PREFIX'				=> 'Prefix for tables in database',

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------
	'TABLE_PREFIX_EXPLAIN'		=> 'The prefix must start with an alphanumeric character and must only contain alphanumeric characters, numbers and underscores.',

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 494
	'SOME_QUERIES_FAILED'		=> 'Some queries failed, the statements and errors are listing below.',

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
	'SOME_QUERIES_FAILED'		=> 'Some queries failed, the statements and errors are listed below.',

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- 

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 46
	'ATTACH_SIG'				=> 'Attach a signature (signatures can be altered via the UCP)',

	'BBCODE_A_HELP'				=> 'Inline uploaded attachment: [attachment=]filename.ext[/attachment]',
	'BBCODE_B_HELP'				=> 'Bold text: [b]text[/b]',
	'BBCODE_C_HELP'				=> 'Code display: [code]code

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 51
'BBCODE_E_HELP' => 'List: Add list element',

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
'BBCODE_D_HELP' => 'Flash: [flash=width,height]http://url[/flash]',

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 59
'BBCODE_D_HELP' => 'Flash: [flash=width,height]http://url[/flash]',

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
'BBCODE_Y_HELP' => 'List: Add list element',

#-----[ OPEN ]---------------------------------------------

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 136
'COPPA_EXPLAIN' => 'Please note that clicking submit will create your account. However it cannot be activated until a parent or guardian approves your registration. You will be emailed a copy of the necessary form with details of where to send it.',
'CREATE_FOLDER' => 'Add folder…',
'CURRENT_IMAGE' => 'Current image',
'CURRENT_PASSWORD' => 'Current password',
'CURRENT_PASSWORD_EXPLAIN' => 'You must confirm your current password if you wish to change it, alter your e-mail address or username.',

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------
'CUR_PASSWORD_EMPTY' => 'You did not enter your current password.',

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 267
'MOVE_MARKED_TO_FOLDER' => 'Move marked to %s',
'MOVE_PM_ERROR' => 'An error occurred while moving the messages to the new folder, only %1d from %2d messages were moved.',
'MOVE_TO_FOLDER' => 'Move to folder',
'MOVE_UP' => 'Move up',

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------
'NEW_EMAIL_CONFIRM_EMPTY' => 'You did not enter a confirm e-mail address.',

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 267
'NEW_EMAIL_ERROR' => 'The e-mail addresses you entered do not match.',
'NEW_FOLDER_NAME' => 'New folder name',
'NEW_PASSWORD' => 'New password',

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------
'NEW_PASSWORD_CONFIRM_EMPTY' => 'You did not enter a confirm password.',

#-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]------------------------------------------
# EoM[/code]
(15.68 KiB) Downloaded 1057 times
Diff/Patch format

Code: Select all

diff -crNEBwd old_versions/release-3.0.9/language/en/acp/ban.php new_version/phpBB3/language/en/acp/ban.php
*** old_versions/release-3.0.9/language/en/acp/ban.php	2011-07-11 00:29:45.000000000 +0200
--- new_version/phpBB3/language/en/acp/ban.php	2011-11-20 21:50:29.000000000 +0100
*** 68,73 ****
--- 68,76 ----
  	'LENGTH_BAN_INVALID'		=> 'The date has to be formatted <kbd>YYYY-MM-DD</kbd>.',
+ 	'OPTIONS_BANNED'			=> 'Banned',
+ 	'OPTIONS_EXCLUDED'			=> 'Excluded',
  	'PERMANENT'		=> 'Permanent',
  	'UNTIL'						=> 'Until',
diff -crNEBwd old_versions/release-3.0.9/language/en/acp/board.php new_version/phpBB3/language/en/acp/board.php
*** old_versions/release-3.0.9/language/en/acp/board.php	2011-07-11 00:29:45.000000000 +0200
--- new_version/phpBB3/language/en/acp/board.php	2011-11-20 21:50:29.000000000 +0100
*** 53,59 ****
  	'SYSTEM_TIMEZONE'				=> 'Guest timezone',
  	'SYSTEM_TIMEZONE_EXPLAIN'			=> 'Timezone to use for displaying times to users who are not logged in (guests, bots). Logged in users set their timezone during registration and can change it in their user control panel.',
  	'WARNINGS_EXPIRE'				=> 'Warning duration',
! 	'WARNINGS_EXPIRE_EXPLAIN'		=> 'Number of days that will elapse before the warning will automatically expire from a user’s record.',
  // Board Features
--- 53,59 ----
  	'SYSTEM_TIMEZONE'				=> 'Guest timezone',
  	'SYSTEM_TIMEZONE_EXPLAIN'			=> 'Timezone to use for displaying times to users who are not logged in (guests, bots). Logged in users set their timezone during registration and can change it in their user control panel.',
  	'WARNINGS_EXPIRE'				=> 'Warning duration',
! 	'WARNINGS_EXPIRE_EXPLAIN'		=> 'Number of days that will elapse before the warning will automatically expire from a user’s record. Set this value to 0 to make warnings permanent.',
  // Board Features
*** 174,180 ****
  	'MAX_POST_URLS'					=> 'Maximum links per post',
  	'MAX_POST_URLS_EXPLAIN'			=> 'Maximum number of URLs in a post. Set to 0 for unlimited links.',
  	'MIN_CHAR_LIMIT'				=> 'Minimum characters per post/message',
! 	'MIN_CHAR_LIMIT_EXPLAIN'		=> 'The minimum number of characters the user need to enter within a post/private message.',
  	'POSTING'						=> 'Posting',
  	'POSTS_PER_PAGE'				=> 'Posts per page',
  	'QUOTE_DEPTH_LIMIT'				=> 'Maximum nesting depth for quotes',
--- 174,180 ----
  	'MAX_POST_URLS'					=> 'Maximum links per post',
  	'MAX_POST_URLS_EXPLAIN'			=> 'Maximum number of URLs in a post. Set to 0 for unlimited links.',
  	'MIN_CHAR_LIMIT'				=> 'Minimum characters per post/message',
! 	'MIN_CHAR_LIMIT_EXPLAIN'		=> 'The minimum number of characters the user need to enter within a post/private message. The minimum for this setting is 1.',
  	'POSTING'						=> 'Posting',
  	'POSTS_PER_PAGE'				=> 'Posts per page',
  	'QUOTE_DEPTH_LIMIT'				=> 'Maximum nesting depth for quotes',
diff -crNEBwd old_versions/release-3.0.9/language/en/acp/common.php new_version/phpBB3/language/en/acp/common.php
*** old_versions/release-3.0.9/language/en/acp/common.php	2011-07-11 00:29:45.000000000 +0200
--- new_version/phpBB3/language/en/acp/common.php	2011-11-20 21:50:29.000000000 +0100
*** 327,332 ****
--- 327,342 ----
  	'DATABASE_SERVER_INFO'	=> 'Database server',
  	'DATABASE_SIZE'			=> 'Database size',
+ 	// Enviroment configuration checks, mbstring related
+ 	'ERROR_MBSTRING_FUNC_OVERLOAD'					=> 'Function overloading is improperly configured',
+ 	'ERROR_MBSTRING_FUNC_OVERLOAD_EXPLAIN'			=> '<var>mbstring.func_overload</var> must be set to either 0 or 4. You can check the current value on the <samp>PHP information</samp> page.',
+ 	'ERROR_MBSTRING_ENCODING_TRANSLATION'			=> 'Transparent character encoding is improperly configured',
+ 	'ERROR_MBSTRING_ENCODING_TRANSLATION_EXPLAIN'	=> '<var>mbstring.encoding_translation</var> must be set to 0. You can check the current value on the <samp>PHP information</samp> page.',
+ 	'ERROR_MBSTRING_HTTP_INPUT'						=> 'HTTP input character conversion is improperly configured',
+ 	'ERROR_MBSTRING_HTTP_INPUT_EXPLAIN'				=> '<var>mbstring.http_input</var> must be set to <samp>pass</samp>. You can check the current value on the <samp>PHP information</samp> page.',
+ 	'ERROR_MBSTRING_HTTP_OUTPUT'					=> 'HTTP output character conversion is improperly configured',
+ 	'ERROR_MBSTRING_HTTP_OUTPUT_EXPLAIN'			=> '<var>mbstring.http_output</var> must be set to <samp>pass</samp>. You can check the current value on the <samp>PHP information</samp> page.',
  	'FILES_PER_DAY'		=> 'Attachments per day',
  	'FORUM_STATS'		=> 'Board statistics',
diff -crNEBwd old_versions/release-3.0.9/language/en/acp/database.php new_version/phpBB3/language/en/acp/database.php
*** old_versions/release-3.0.9/language/en/acp/database.php	2011-07-11 00:29:45.000000000 +0200
--- new_version/phpBB3/language/en/acp/database.php	2011-11-20 21:50:29.000000000 +0100
*** 59,64 ****
--- 59,65 ----
  	'RESTORE_FAILURE'		=> 'The backup file may be corrupt.',
  	'RESTORE_OPTIONS'		=> 'Restore options',
+ 	'RESTORE_SELECTED_BACKUP'	=> 'Are you sure you want to restore the selected backup?',
  	'RESTORE_SUCCESS'		=> 'The database has been successfully restored.<br /><br />Your board should be back to the state it was when the backup was made.',
  	'SELECT_ALL'			=> 'Select all',
diff -crNEBwd old_versions/release-3.0.9/language/en/acp/forums.php new_version/phpBB3/language/en/acp/forums.php
*** old_versions/release-3.0.9/language/en/acp/forums.php	2011-07-11 00:29:45.000000000 +0200
--- new_version/phpBB3/language/en/acp/forums.php	2011-11-20 21:50:29.000000000 +0100
*** 72,78 ****
  	'ENABLE_TOPIC_ICONS'			=> 'Enable topic icons',
  	'FORUM_ADMIN'						=> 'Forum administration',
! 	'FORUM_ADMIN_EXPLAIN'				=> 'In phpBB3 there are no categories, everything is forum based. Each forum can have an unlimited number of sub-forums and you can determine whether each may be posted to or not (i.e. whether it acts like an old category). Here you can add, edit, delete, lock, unlock individual forums as well as set certain additional controls. If your posts and topics have got out of sync you can also resynchronise a forum. <strong>You need to copy or set appropriate permissions for newly created forums to have them displayed.</strong>',
  	'FORUM_AUTO_PRUNE'					=> 'Enable auto-pruning',
  	'FORUM_AUTO_PRUNE_EXPLAIN'			=> 'Prunes the forum of topics, set the frequency/age parameters below.',
  	'FORUM_CREATED'						=> 'Forum created successfully.',
--- 72,78 ----
  	'ENABLE_TOPIC_ICONS'			=> 'Enable topic icons',
  	'FORUM_ADMIN'						=> 'Forum administration',
! 	'FORUM_ADMIN_EXPLAIN'				=> 'In phpBB3 everything is forum based. A category is just a special type of forum. Each forum can have an unlimited number of sub-forums and you can determine whether each may be posted to or not (i.e. whether it acts like an old category). Here you can add, edit, delete, lock, unlock individual forums as well as set certain additional controls. If your posts and topics have got out of sync you can also resynchronise a forum. <strong>You need to copy or set appropriate permissions for newly created forums to have them displayed.</strong>',
  	'FORUM_AUTO_PRUNE'					=> 'Enable auto-pruning',
  	'FORUM_AUTO_PRUNE_EXPLAIN'			=> 'Prunes the forum of topics, set the frequency/age parameters below.',
  	'FORUM_CREATED'						=> 'Forum created successfully.',
diff -crNEBwd old_versions/release-3.0.9/language/en/acp/language.php new_version/phpBB3/language/en/acp/language.php
*** old_versions/release-3.0.9/language/en/acp/language.php	2011-07-11 00:29:45.000000000 +0200
--- new_version/phpBB3/language/en/acp/language.php	2011-11-20 21:50:29.000000000 +0100
*** 59,64 ****
--- 59,65 ----
  	'LANGUAGE_PACK_DELETED'				=> 'The language pack <strong>%s</strong> has been removed successfully. All users using this language have been reset to the boards default language.',
  	'LANGUAGE_PACK_DETAILS'				=> 'Language pack details',
  	'LANGUAGE_PACK_INSTALLED'			=> 'The language pack <strong>%s</strong> has been successfully installed.',
+ 	'LANGUAGE_PACK_CPF_UPDATE'			=> 'The custom profile fields’ language strings were copied from the default language. Please change them if necessary.',
  	'LANGUAGE_PACK_ISO'					=> 'ISO',
  	'LANGUAGE_PACK_LOCALNAME'			=> 'Local name',
  	'LANGUAGE_PACK_NAME'				=> 'Name',
diff -crNEBwd old_versions/release-3.0.9/language/en/common.php new_version/phpBB3/language/en/common.php
*** old_versions/release-3.0.9/language/en/common.php	2011-07-11 00:29:45.000000000 +0200
--- new_version/phpBB3/language/en/common.php	2011-11-20 21:50:29.000000000 +0100
*** 165,170 ****
--- 165,171 ----
  	'EMPTY_MESSAGE_SUBJECT'				=> 'You must specify a subject when composing a new message.',
  	'ENABLED'							=> 'Enabled',
  	'ENCLOSURE'							=> 'Enclosure',
+ 	'ENTER_USERNAME'					=> 'Enter username',
  	'ERR_CHANGING_DIRECTORY'			=> 'Unable to change directory.',
  	'ERR_CONNECTING_SERVER'				=> 'Error connecting to the server.',
  	'ERR_JAB_AUTH'						=> 'Could not authorise on Jabber server.',
*** 200,205 ****
--- 201,207 ----
  	'FORUM_RULES_LINK'		=> 'Please click here to view the forum rules',
  	'FROM'					=> 'from',
  	'FSOCK_DISABLED'		=> 'The operation could not be completed because the <var>fsockopen</var> function has been disabled or the server being queried could not be found.',
+ 	'FSOCK_TIMEOUT'			=> 'A timeout occurred while reading from the network stream.',
  	'FTP_FSOCK_HOST'				=> 'FTP host',
  	'FTP_FSOCK_HOST_EXPLAIN'		=> 'FTP server used to connect your site.',
*** 652,657 ****
--- 654,663 ----
  	'UNREAD_PMS'			=> '<strong>%d</strong> unread messages',
  	'UNREAD_POST'			=> 'Unread post',
  	'UNREAD_POSTS'			=> 'Unread posts',
+ 	'UNWATCH_FORUM_CONFIRM'		=> 'Are you sure you wish to unsubscribe from this forum?',
+ 	'UNWATCH_FORUM_DETAILED'	=> 'Are you sure you wish to unsubscribe from the forum “%s”?',
+ 	'UNWATCH_TOPIC_CONFIRM'		=> 'Are you sure you wish to unsubscribe from this topic?',
+ 	'UNWATCH_TOPIC_DETAILED'	=> 'Are you sure you wish to unsubscribe from the topic “%s”?',
  	'UNWATCHED_FORUMS'			=> 'You are no longer subscribed to the selected forums.',
  	'UNWATCHED_TOPICS'			=> 'You are no longer subscribed to the selected topics.',
  	'UNWATCHED_FORUMS_TOPICS'	=> 'You are no longer subscribed to the selected entries.',
*** 700,705 ****
--- 706,715 ----
  	'WARNINGS'			=> 'Warnings',
  	'WARN_USER'			=> 'Warn user',
+ 	'WATCH_FORUM_CONFIRM'	=> 'Are you sure you wish to subscribe to this forum?',
+ 	'WATCH_FORUM_DETAILED'	=> 'Are you sure you wish to subscribe to the forum “%s”?',
+ 	'WATCH_TOPIC_CONFIRM'	=> 'Are you sure you wish to subscribe to this topic?',
+ 	'WATCH_TOPIC_DETAILED'	=> 'Are you sure you wish to subscribe to the topic “%s”?',
  	'WELCOME_SUBJECT'	=> 'Welcome to %s forums',
  	'WEBSITE'			=> 'Website',
  	'WHOIS'				=> 'Whois',
diff -crNEBwd old_versions/release-3.0.9/language/en/email/admin_welcome_activated.txt new_version/phpBB3/language/en/email/admin_welcome_activated.txt
*** old_versions/release-3.0.9/language/en/email/admin_welcome_activated.txt	2011-07-11 00:29:45.000000000 +0200
--- new_version/phpBB3/language/en/email/admin_welcome_activated.txt	2011-11-20 21:50:29.000000000 +0100
*** 2,8 ****
  Hello {USERNAME},
! Your account on "{SITENAME}" has now been activated, you may login using the username you received in a previous e-mail.
  Your password has been securely stored in our database and cannot be retrieved. In the event that it is forgotten, you will be able to reset it using the email address associated with your account.
--- 2,8 ----
  Hello {USERNAME},
! Your account on "{SITENAME}" has been activated by an administrator, you may login now.
  Your password has been securely stored in our database and cannot be retrieved. In the event that it is forgotten, you will be able to reset it using the email address associated with your account.
diff -crNEBwd old_versions/release-3.0.9/language/en/email/privmsg_notify.txt new_version/phpBB3/language/en/email/privmsg_notify.txt
*** old_versions/release-3.0.9/language/en/email/privmsg_notify.txt	2011-07-11 00:29:45.000000000 +0200
--- new_version/phpBB3/language/en/email/privmsg_notify.txt	2011-11-20 21:50:29.000000000 +0100
*** 8,14 ****
  You can view your new message by clicking on the following link:
  You have requested that you be notified on this event, remember that you can always choose not to be notified of new messages by changing the appropriate setting in your profile.
--- 8,14 ----
  You can view your new message by clicking on the following link:
  You have requested that you be notified on this event, remember that you can always choose not to be notified of new messages by changing the appropriate setting in your profile.
diff -crNEBwd old_versions/release-3.0.9/language/en/help_faq.php new_version/phpBB3/language/en/help_faq.php
*** old_versions/release-3.0.9/language/en/help_faq.php	2011-07-11 00:29:45.000000000 +0200
--- new_version/phpBB3/language/en/help_faq.php	2011-11-20 21:50:29.000000000 +0100
*** 60,66 ****
  		0 => 'I registered in the past but cannot login any more?!',
! 		1 => 'Attempt to locate the e-mail sent to you when you first registered, check your username and password and try again. It is possible an administrator has deactivated or deleted your account for some reason. Also, many boards periodically remove users who have not posted for a long time to reduce the size of the database. If this has happened, try registering again and being more involved in discussions.'
  		0 => 'What is COPPA?',
--- 60,66 ----
  		0 => 'I registered in the past but cannot login any more?!',
! 		1 => 'It is possible an administrator has deactivated or deleted your account for some reason. Also, many boards periodically remove users who have not posted for a long time to reduce the size of the database. If this has happened, try registering again and being more involved in discussions.'
  		0 => 'What is COPPA?',
diff -crNEBwd old_versions/release-3.0.9/language/en/install.php new_version/phpBB3/language/en/install.php
*** old_versions/release-3.0.9/language/en/install.php	2011-07-11 00:29:45.000000000 +0200
--- new_version/phpBB3/language/en/install.php	2011-11-20 21:50:29.000000000 +0100
*** 232,237 ****
--- 232,238 ----
  	'INST_ERR'					=> 'Installation error',
  	'INST_ERR_DB_CONNECT'		=> 'Could not connect to the database, see error message below.',
  	'INST_ERR_DB_FORUM_PATH'	=> 'The database file specified is within your board directory tree. You should put this file in a non web-accessible location.',
+ 	'INST_ERR_DB_INVALID_PREFIX'=> 'The prefix you entered is invalid. It must start with an alphanumeric character and must only contain alphanumeric characters, numbers and underscores.',
  	'INST_ERR_DB_NO_ERROR'		=> 'No error message given.',
  	'INST_ERR_DB_NO_MYSQLI'		=> 'The version of MySQL installed on this machine is incompatible with the “MySQL with MySQLi Extension” option you have selected. Please try the “MySQL” option instead.',
  	'INST_ERR_DB_NO_SQLITE'		=> 'The version of the SQLite extension you have installed is too old, it must be upgraded to at least 2.8.2.',
*** 352,357 ****
--- 353,359 ----
  	'TABLES_MISSING'			=> 'Could not find these tables<br />» <strong>%s</strong>.',
  	'TABLE_PREFIX'				=> 'Prefix for tables in database',
+ 	'TABLE_PREFIX_EXPLAIN'		=> 'The prefix must start with an alphanumeric character and must only contain alphanumeric characters, numbers and underscores.',
  	'TABLE_PREFIX_SAME'			=> 'The table prefix needs to be the one used by the software you are converting from.<br />» Specified table prefix was %s.',
  	'TESTS_PASSED'				=> 'Tests passed',
  	'TESTS_FAILED'				=> 'Tests failed',
*** 494,500 ****
  	'SHOW_DIFF_NEW'				=> 'Show file contents',
  	'SHOW_DIFF_NEW_CONFLICT'	=> 'Show differences',
  	'SHOW_DIFF_NOT_MODIFIED'	=> 'Show differences',
! 	'SOME_QUERIES_FAILED'		=> 'Some queries failed, the statements and errors are listing below.',
  	'SQL'						=> 'SQL',
  	'SQL_FAILURE_EXPLAIN'		=> 'This is probably nothing to worry about, update will continue. Should this fail to complete you may need to seek help at our support forums. See <a href="../docs/README.html">README</a> for details on how to obtain advice.',
  	'STAGE_FILE_CHECK'			=> 'Check files',
--- 496,502 ----
  	'SHOW_DIFF_NEW'				=> 'Show file contents',
  	'SHOW_DIFF_NEW_CONFLICT'	=> 'Show differences',
  	'SHOW_DIFF_NOT_MODIFIED'	=> 'Show differences',
! 	'SOME_QUERIES_FAILED'		=> 'Some queries failed, the statements and errors are listed below.',
  	'SQL'						=> 'SQL',
  	'SQL_FAILURE_EXPLAIN'		=> 'This is probably nothing to worry about, update will continue. Should this fail to complete you may need to seek help at our support forums. See <a href="../docs/README.html">README</a> for details on how to obtain advice.',
  	'STAGE_FILE_CHECK'			=> 'Check files',
diff -crNEBwd old_versions/release-3.0.9/language/en/posting.php new_version/phpBB3/language/en/posting.php
*** old_versions/release-3.0.9/language/en/posting.php	2011-07-11 00:29:45.000000000 +0200
--- new_version/phpBB3/language/en/posting.php	2011-11-20 21:50:29.000000000 +0100
*** 48,54 ****
  	'BBCODE_A_HELP'				=> 'Inline uploaded attachment: [attachment=]filename.ext[/attachment]',
  	'BBCODE_B_HELP'				=> 'Bold text: [b]text[/b]',
  	'BBCODE_C_HELP'				=> 'Code display: [code]code
! 'BBCODE_E_HELP' => 'List: Add list element',
'BBCODE_F_HELP' => 'Font size: small text',
'BBCODE_IS_OFF' => '%sBBCode%s is <em>OFF</em>',
'BBCODE_IS_ON' => '%sBBCode%s is <em>ON</em>',
--- 48,54 ----
'BBCODE_A_HELP' => 'Inline uploaded attachment: [attachment=]filename.ext[/attachment]',
'BBCODE_B_HELP' => 'Bold text: text',
'BBCODE_C_HELP' => 'Code display:

Code: Select all

! 'BBCODE_D_HELP' => 'Flash: [flash=width,height]http://url[/flash]',
'BBCODE_F_HELP' => 'Font size: small text',
'BBCODE_IS_OFF' => '%sBBCode%s is <em>OFF</em>',
'BBCODE_IS_ON' => '%sBBCode%s is <em>ON</em>',
*** 61,67 ****
'BBCODE_S_HELP' => 'Font colour: text Tip: you can also use color=#FF0000',
'BBCODE_U_HELP' => 'Underline text: text',
'BBCODE_W_HELP' => 'Insert URL: http://url or URL text',
! 'BBCODE_D_HELP' => 'Flash: [flash=width,height]http://url[/flash]',
'BUMP_ERROR' => 'You cannot bump this topic so soon after the last post.',

'CANNOT_DELETE_REPLIED' => 'Sorry but you may only delete posts which have not been replied to.',
--- 61,67 ----
'BBCODE_S_HELP' => 'Font colour: text Tip: you can also use color=#FF0000',
'BBCODE_U_HELP' => 'Underline text: text',
'BBCODE_W_HELP' => 'Insert URL: http://url or URL text',
! 'BBCODE_Y_HELP' => 'List: Add list element',
'BUMP_ERROR' => 'You cannot bump this topic so soon after the last post.',

'CANNOT_DELETE_REPLIED' => 'Sorry but you may only delete posts which have not been replied to.',
diff -crNEBwd old_versions/release-3.0.9/language/en/ucp.php new_version/phpBB3/language/en/ucp.php
*** old_versions/release-3.0.9/language/en/ucp.php 2011-07-11 00:29:45.000000000 +0200
--- new_version/phpBB3/language/en/ucp.php 2011-11-20 21:50:29.000000000 +0100
*** 138,143 ****
--- 138,144 ----
'CURRENT_IMAGE' => 'Current image',
'CURRENT_PASSWORD' => 'Current password',
'CURRENT_PASSWORD_EXPLAIN' => 'You must confirm your current password if you wish to change it, alter your e-mail address or username.',
+ 'CUR_PASSWORD_EMPTY' => 'You did not enter your current password.',
'CUR_PASSWORD_ERROR' => 'The current password you entered is incorrect.',

*** 268,276 ****
--- 269,279 ----
'MOVE_TO_FOLDER' => 'Move to folder',
'MOVE_UP' => 'Move up',

+ 'NEW_EMAIL_CONFIRM_EMPTY' => 'You did not enter a confirm e-mail address.',
'NEW_EMAIL_ERROR' => 'The e-mail addresses you entered do not match.',
'NEW_FOLDER_NAME' => 'New folder name',
'NEW_PASSWORD' => 'New password',
+ 'NEW_PASSWORD_CONFIRM_EMPTY' => 'You did not enter a confirm password.',
'NEW_PASSWORD_ERROR' => 'The passwords you entered do not match.',
'NOTIFY_METHOD' => 'Notification method',
(20.55 KiB) Downloaded 2255 times

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Re: Releasing 3.0.10

Post by nickvergessen »

Did one tiny thing for rc2:
Member of the Development-TeamNo Support via PM

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Re: Releasing 3.0.10

Post by bantu »

The prep-release-3.0.10 branch exists now. Please make sure that branches for bugfixes that should go into 3.0.10 are branched off of prep-release-3.0.10 instead of develop-olympus.

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Re: Releasing 3.0.10

Post by naderman »

Should probably update and do so more consistently during development from now on.

Posts: 1150
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Re: Releasing 3.0.10

Post by Oleg »

At some point around 3.0.10-final 3.0.11 (final) version should be created in the tracker for the "Toward 3.0.11" reports to work properly.

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Re: Releasing 3.0.10

Post by bantu »

I think we should have a second release candidate this weekend.

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Dr. Deejay
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Re: Releasing 3.0.10

Post by Dr. Deejay »

Good news! Looking forward to it :)

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Re: Releasing 3.0.10

Post by Dragosvr92 »

bantu wrote:I think we should have a second release candidate this weekend.
Seriously o.o, you mean RC-2?
Thats very fast..
Previous user: TheKiller
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