Self-contained MODs

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Re: Self-contained MODs

Post by sajaki »

naderman wrote:With the new hook system and the way cron works we make it possible for MODs to consist only of files to be added. However presently they still need to be located in different directories in various places. I'm wondering if we can make it so that a MOD consists of exactly one directory so that uninstalling it simply means removing that directory (and database changes of course). Any thoughts on this?
(-1) unless better specification.

- I don't how does this would work for mods with an ACP and many frontend php/html/js/css files. are those to be put there also ?

- This implies that there are no template file changes then. is the template hooks spec up to it ? what if you have many styles ?

- will it cover custom pages ?

- you will at least need to define clear path definitions for other files, like explained in the wordpress codex ... irectories.

- what's the name of the mods directory ?
  • /phpbb-plugins ? (like wp-plugins)
  • /mods ?
  • /store/mods ? (seems to be the best choice imo)
we're 1 year past your post so please improve on your rfc.

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Re: Self-contained MODs

Post by imkingdavid »

In response to the final sentence, this topic is not an RFC. This one, however, is. I believe the RFC I just linked to should answer most (if not all) of your questions. Feel free to ask in that topic if you have more.
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Re: Self-contained MODs

Post by Elias »

Love this idea!

Very clean and fast.
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