[RFC] Email to Moderators on Arrival of New Messages in the Queue

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Re: [RFC] Email to Moderators on Arrival of New Messages in the Queue

Post by imkingdavid »

The question is whether this should simply be a modification to the current subscription system (i.e. make it notify subscribed moderators when a non-approved post is posted, and everyone else when the post is approved) or to add a new option that notifies anyone with post approval moderator permissions in a given forum when a post is posted there.

I would personally go for the latter, as I don't think moderators should be able to choose which forums for which they should be notified; if they are moderators of a given forum, they should be notified.

By the way, I want to point out that there is fairly recent progress on a feature to add moderator action alerts in the board header (adapted from this MOD) that is related in that it increases awareness of items requiring a moderator's attention, though it does not address this specific email notification issue.
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Re: [RFC] Email to Moderators on Arrival of New Messages in the Queue

Post by CDLLT »

is this mod available yet? does anyone know where I can get it? I need it badly :( :( :(

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Re: [RFC] Email to Moderators on Arrival of New Messages in the Queue

Post by EXreaction »

As he mentions in his post, it already exists as a mod: https://www.phpbb.com/customise/db/mod/ ... or_needed/

This has been replaced with notifications, so I'm moving this to rejected.

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Re: [RFC] Email to Moderators on Arrival of New Messages in the Queue

Post by Jarekczek »

I am desiring this feature for years. I had a workaround script run through cron, but now I'm on a server without cron access. So I came up with another workaround:

I modify posting.php from phpbb 3.0.9:

1. at top, after includes:

Code: Select all

include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_messenger.' . $phpEx);
2. after line 1139 (with "$redirect_url = submit_post("):

Code: Select all

// notify about new post, todo: only when approval needed
$messenger = new messenger();
$messenger->to('[email protected]');
$messenger->cc('[email protected]');
For this to work I had also to set email package size in email settings to 0.

This is a dumb starting point, a notification of all posts, without any reasonable content in the email. But now I'm free of watching my almost abandoned forum. The next step would be moving this to a place where approval is needed.

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Re: [RFC] Email to Moderators on Arrival of New Messages in the Queue

Post by themantheycallcris »

This is now live in an individual's own notification settings. From what I've seen if they are a moderator then they will have a section for Moderator Notifications. Email appears to be off by default, so those moderators will just have to log in and change that setting to be checked.

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