Removing config.php from git repository

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Removing config.php from git repository

Post by igorw »

For the reasons mentioned in the ticket I would like to have config.php removed from the repo. Is there anything that could break, or can you think of any reasons not to do so?


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Re: Removing config.php from git repository

Post by A_Jelly_Doughnut »

Nothing technical, and any philosophical objections I can think of are pretty far out :P

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Re: Removing config.php from git repository

Post by bantu »

eviL3 wrote:Is there anything that could break, or can you think of any reasons not to do so?
No idea.

But as long as this is still being discussed, PHPBB3-9816 should not be in status "Unmerged Fix". ;-)

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Re: Removing config.php from git repository

Post by rxu »

The problem is if somebody will try to download the latest source from github to install, it will give the package without config.php.
So we either shall have to put some announce about it on github repo, or make install to create config.php for the case it doesn't exist, or something to do with it.

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Re: Removing config.php from git repository

Post by igorw »

bantu wrote:But as long as this is still being discussed, PHPBB3-9816 should not be in status "Unmerged Fix". ;-)
Good point, thanks for fixing that.
rxu wrote:The problem is if somebody will try to download the latest source from github to install, it will give the package without config.php.
True, but somebody downloading the source from GitHub should be able to create config.php. The installation actually still works without config.php, it will just prompt you to download the file and put it in place manually.

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Re: Removing config.php from git repository

Post by rxu »

eviL3 wrote:The installation actually still works without config.php, it will just prompt you to download the file and put it in place manually.
Well, actually there should be very few reasons to download empty file. It's much easier just to create one.
I think if we'd implement it on installation level we could drop config.php from the package at all.

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Re: Removing config.php from git repository

Post by naderman »

Well the issue with that is that people are going to make the entire phpBB directory writable so it can create the file rather than making an empty config.php file writable so it can overwrite it.

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Re: Removing config.php from git repository

Post by Erik Frèrejean »

Well I assume that the file is only removed from the repository, to prevent issues as posted by Igor. The packages itself should contain an empty config.php but that shouldn't be to hard to build into the build script. Users using the development versions should know better than making everything world writable.
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Re: Removing config.php from git repository

Post by rxu »

Makes sense, agreed.

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Re: Removing config.php from git repository

Post by bantu »

naderman wrote:Well the issue with that is that people are going to make the entire phpBB directory writable so it can create the file rather than making an empty config.php file writable so it can overwrite it.
That doesn't seem to be true. I chmodded the phpBB folder to 777, but the install script keeps telling me "config.php - Cannot find".


I noticed another difference, but that shouldn't be an issue:
When the config.php file is there but empty and you visit phpBB/ you will be redirected to phpBB/install/index.php.

If it's not there you will get the message

Code: Select all

<p>The config.php file could not be found.</p><p><a href="./install/index.php">Click here to install phpBB</a></p>

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