[RFC] Attachments update

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[RFC] Attachments update

Post by rxu »

Attachments system we have currently intends only replacing of files in case you need to update it for some reason.
In other words, you have to delete an old file and then upload new one, meaning that you get absolutely different attachment as a result. That also means you're going to loose the link and download/view count for some [popular] file/image, etc.
Meik's Attachment MOD for phpBB2 allowed to perform an update for attachment, thereby allowing to keep same file URL/downloads count/etc.

The suggestion is to implement similar feature for phpBB 3.1 to slightly improve attachment system.
There's initial implementation with Update attachment MOD for phpBB3, not highly popular though.

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Re: [RFC] Attachments update

Post by Rotsblok »

TBH that mod is a standard installation for me when making a new forum... Even though I rarely use it, i really would like to see it in the core package. I think it's rather weird not to be able to update an attachement, it's like writing on a white-board with a permanent marker.
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