[RFC|Merged] Attachments management

These requests for comments/change have lead to an implemented feature that has been successfully merged into the 3.1/Ascraeus branch. Everything listed in this forum will be available in phpBB 3.1.
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Re: [RFC|Accepted] Attachments management

Post by Knot »

Why you don't integrate this mod (subfolders attachments)?
http://www.phpbbchina.com/forum/viewtop ... =23&t=3337

I think it's very important. In my case I have more then 6000 attachments, so I need to put them in subfolders, because FTP software only suports 2000 files per folder.
I use this mod (only the subfolder option) and when I put an attachment in a topic it goes to the specific folder Year_Month, and the folders are created automatic.

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Re: [RFC|Accepted] Attachments management

Post by Oleg »

Incomplete patch:

https://github.com/rxu/phpbb3/commits/f ... assignment

rxu said: "the patch is almost done but still needs some adjustments".

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Re: [RFC|Accepted] Attachments management

Post by Oleg »

I definitely like the idea of using subdirectories for attachments.

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Re: [RFC|Accepted] Attachments management

Post by Oleg »

The patch makes it possible for admins to see attachments in private messages (by default attachments cannot be attached to private messages, this must be enabled).

Since the current policy is to not give admins an easy way to read private messages, perhaps attachment management should similarly not show (that is, allow viewing of contents) attachments in private messages.

If private message attachments are at all displayed information leakage is still possible, via for example the file name. So maybe that needs to be hidden as well.

Alternatively we could add a note to private message form if attachments are enabled saying admins will have (easy) access to attached files.

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Re: [RFC|Accepted] Attachments management

Post by rxu »

Currently (in phpBB 3.0.x) every user has a full list of own attachments in UCP (those are files in posts and PMs) and can delete files, while administrator can't control attachments list at all.
I suggest to leave administrator control over all files including files in PMs because that's a kind of content which can be harmful in some way in regard of particular users or entire board.
So my opinion is just to provide "a note to private message form saying admins will have (easy) access to attached files".

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Re: [RFC|Accepted] Attachments management

Post by naderman »

I think this goes against what we've been advertising private messages as. Just like we do not include a feature to read private messages. I do think listing information about attachments in private messages is acceptable, but actually making real filenames or content available to an admin is not.

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Re: [RFC|Accepted] Attachments management

Post by rxu »

OK, we shouldn't provide filename, attachment id and link to files, and no delete option for files in PMs then.
So the rest of things is posting info (date/author), and something instead of filename. Noxwizard suggested physical filename in IRC today.
We could provide just a file type instead of it for example, based on extension, like 'Image', 'document' etc., or simply only extension, like "File 'zip'" or '"File without extension".

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Re: [RFC|Merged] Attachments management

Post by Oleg »


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Re: [RFC|Merged] Attachments management

Post by manutoo »


just to tell that I also have thousand of attachments on my board, so a way to manage them would be great.
The subfolders addition would be also a nice plus.
But what I'd like to see the most is to display all image attachments in the same page (paged by 50 or 100), so there would be no need to open a new page for each attachment to see the images, so I could easily delete the old images that have 0 interest, while preserving the interesting ones. No idea if it's a lot of work to do that addition or not, but if it's possible to make it, I'd be glad to use it..! ;)

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Re: [RFC|Merged] Attachments management

Post by canonknipser »

manutoo wrote:Hello,

just to tell that I also have thousand of attachments on my board, so a way to manage them would be great.
The subfolders addition would be also a nice plus.
