If I understood it right, you should be able to do that but you will not be able to use the simplified system. You'll have to write the PHP yourself.leschek wrote:1. Would be possible to use Post ID (something like here), when creating custom BBCode?
What kind of template conditions?leschek wrote:2 .Will we (users) be able to use template conditions (IFs) when creating custom BBCode?
Anyway, you'll be able to write php code to execute the data that was captured yourself, the way you want. (I sure hope that answers it). So you'll be able to apply conditions to the BBCode.
We will provide some BBCodes like bold, quote, code, img, etc... As custom BBCodes, you may change them later so that they can use a button, or whatever, to expand and collapse as needed/requested.leschek wrote:3 .Would be possible to add to Quote and Code BBCode option to expand and collapse the box?
Ofc, if this becomes a lot requested by the time we are writing the BBCodes, we will do it that way.