[RFC|Rejected] MODX 2.0
Re: [RFC] MODX 2.0
I really appreciate the new bridge packaging guidelines. Thanks for that!
Re: [RFC] MODX 2.0
Also MOD title must be only English or modx file contains ID other than the title to prevents this:
and this
from http://www.phpbb.com/bugs/modteamtools/62917If the MOD has a localized name for the admin language this will cause errors>
AutoMOD will get the admin language name for MOD, So if he installed the MOD, The local Name will recoded the AutoMOD db> IF the admin Change the language to English, the AutoMOD will consider the same MOD if the admin reuploaded it A new MOD,
And he can reinstall if, So the same MOD will double installed in the forum>
Updating installed MOD if the language when installing differ the Language when Updating will NOT success >
So I suggest that the AuoMOD get only the ENglish title of MOD or modx file must contain only on <title> tag.
and this
from http://www.phpbb.com/bugs/modteamtools/62915MODX xsl gets the name of the MOD in title and Header from first title tag, Even the first title tag is not in English or the local user language.
Some users prefer to but there local language first before the English language Like nickvergessen, So the MOD name in title and Header will be not understandable for most of users.
So, MODX xsl file must get the English title not the first title.