[RFC] PDO / third party DBAL

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Re: [RFC] PDO / third party DBAL

Post by rxu »

Well, I guess it wouldn't be too difficult for me to ask him to try make a MOD in according to MODDB policy.
It seems that he doesn't absolutely understand what you evil3 and tumba25 are meaning in that topic :)

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Re: [RFC] PDO / third party DBAL

Post by igorw »

Would be great if you could ask him. Having a sqlite3 driver for phpBB 3.1 would be nice.

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Re: [RFC] PDO / third party DBAL

Post by rxu »

He's answered: he'll work to make the MOD next week and he'd be glad if the feature could be included into the next phpBB release.

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Re: [RFC] PDO / third party DBAL

Post by DrStrangelove »

rxu wrote:He's answered: he'll work to make the MOD next week and he'd be glad if the feature could be included into the next phpBB release.
That has me and I'd guess a number of others pleasantly surprised. With the feature freeze getting so close I suspected there might not be enough time, but if the code is already written it can be improved through the beta versions so that it is ship-shape at the time of release.

Allow me to better explain why I stressed the importance of SQLite (which tends to be a bit of a neglected child). A number of days ago I did some load-time tests on our forum, to find that times peaked over 1 second minimum towards 20 seconds absolute worst-case. Measuring static web-pages has avg. load times at 144ms. And this was on one of the world's largest hosts. Naturally we moved to another host but that's besides the point.

Many providers oversell, putting way to many users on the same server and from what I've been reading on certain hosting company blogs, they don't seem to have a way to know which user is responsible for what mysql traffic. Apparently a shortcoming of the mysql software, and it means they can't do automatic traffic shaping. This of course leaves the database servers open to abuse on the expense of other users. SQLite is a solution that solves the issue in a really nice way and it scales well up to big sites.

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Re: [RFC] PDO / third party DBAL

Post by rxu »

The man's made the MOD, I'll check it later.

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Re: [RFC] PDO / third party DBAL

Post by igorw »

Awesome, thanks.

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