ajax chat 0.8.3 shoutbox integration for a noob

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ajax chat 0.8.3 shoutbox integration for a noob

Post by Maliss »

Ok so I am very new to the world of phpbb coding. Somethings make sense to me and other things just go right over my head. I have been trying to integrate Ajax chat into a shoutbox on my forums for a few days now. I have the link to it http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/a ... ntegration

My biggest problem is I don't know what half of the things mean. I know where to place the code but I don't know what lines to edit and how it should look. Anyways I will pick apart the things I seem to be messing up and I hope all of you can be patient with me and tell me what it should look like.

Edit includes/functions.php

Code: Select all

function getShoutBoxContent()
	global $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path;

	// Get the URL to the chat directory:
	if (!defined('AJAX_CHAT_URL'))
		define('AJAX_CHAT_URL', $phpbb_root_path . 'chat/');

	// Get the real path to the chat directory:
	if (!defined('AJAX_CHAT_PATH'))
		if (empty($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']))
		define('AJAX_CHAT_PATH', realpath(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . '/chat') . '/');

	// Validate the path to the chat:
	if (@is_file(AJAX_CHAT_PATH . 'lib/classes.' . $phpEx))
		// Include Class libraries:
		require_once(AJAX_CHAT_PATH.'lib/classes.' . $phpEx);

		// Initialize the shoutbox:
		$ajaxChat = new CustomAJAXChatShoutBox();

		// Parse and return the shoutbox template content:
		return $ajaxChat->getShoutBoxContent();

	return null;
before :

Code: Select all

This is my biggest problem. In here I have a hard time figuring out what AJAX_CHAT_URL and AJAX_CHAT_PATH should become. For the URL I figure its where my chat is located which is http:twinsuncoalition.com/forum/chat I could be way off, Thats why I am here. I am totally clueless on AJAX_CHAT_PATH. I am sure you could tell me what I am doing wrong but I would really appreciate a example of this using the code posted above.


Code: Select all

'SHOUTBOX'                  => getShoutBoxContent(),

Code: Select all

// The following assigns all _common_ variables that may be used at any point in a template.
I can't seem to find the above piece of code when I search for it. Only a partial piece. I assume thats what I am looking for anyways. I hope someone can clear this up.

That seems to be my major problem and where ever I look for answers I come across people who are already well established in coding, I just can't seem to understand what stuff means. Atleast the parts I need to edit, I just guess what its supposed to be and sometimes I am right and sometimes I am wrong. I would really appreciate the help on some of these things.

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Re: ajax chat 0.8.3 shoutbox integration for a noob

Post by Geed »

Coincidently, I use this "mod" myself.
Maliss wrote: This is my biggest problem. In here I have a hard time figuring out what AJAX_CHAT_URL and AJAX_CHAT_PATH should become. For the URL I figure its where my chat is located which is http:twinsuncoalition.com/forum/chat I could be way off, Thats why I am here. I am totally clueless on AJAX_CHAT_PATH. I am sure you could tell me what I am doing wrong but I would really appreciate a example of this using the code posted above.
You shouldn't have to do any changing of AJAX_CHAT_URL and the such, that kind of stuff is done for you. All you need to do is find ?>, and copy paste that code before it.

Furthermore, if the partial piece is very close, it should work. (Don't quote me on that.)

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