Hi guys
I'm very new to phpBB.
However, I got requirements to modify forum landing page to make it show top 5 topics of each category.
I currently use default pro-silver which is initially integrated with phpBB 3.0.5
Could you guys give me a pointer of where to start. I try looking through docs, forums but no luck.
I'm familiar with PHP and all necessary web skills.
Right now, I just try looking into directory /styles/prosilver/template and know how to duplicate this directory and rename it to make new template.
My problem is, in template folder, there are huge list of files.
Could you guys give me an idea of what files need to be modified to fill the requirements (which file is standing for forum landing)?
Or if you could point me to the reference of what each template files does, it would be really appreciated.
Thank very much, your help would save my life.
Please give me a pointer, template files hierarchy
All style (template, theme and imageset) related questions for the new release; advice, feedback here please.
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