you are right. i apologize for the combative tone i took. it wasnot called for.jwxie wrote: Why so hash on picking this? Aren't we all referring "we" to everyone? Not just the developers? How many times has the phpBB team adapt the community's version and give credits to those who contrbute the code in their release? Always. I express my view solely based on the terrible experience with some of the editors.
I am suggesting that if we are going to just blindly use every feature they have, it would be really messy and unwise.
however, a statement like: "package X is a piece of s**t. we should develop our own" with little or no indication that the writer plans to actually *do* something to contribute is not very useful.
it may make sense when the subject is something covered by an existing *good* package, or when it is obvious and easy how to do it better, but when we are talking about a web-based wysiwig editor that knows how to squirt bbcode markup, statements like "we should" are not very helpful, IMO.
again, my confrontational tone was not called for, and for this i apologize.
and a tiny bit more to the point:
it is my opinion that the base package should carry a rudimentary editor (like the one i'm using to write this), and anything fancier should be left to add-ons/plugins/extensions/whatchamacallits.