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Discuss features as they are added to the new version. Give us your feedback. Don't post bug reports, feature requests, support questions or suggestions here. Feature requests are closed.
You can already export pm's in a vanilla installation
Go to your list of Private Messages and at the bottom is a drop down where you can export to CSV, CSV (excel) and XML
See picture below -
pm-export.PNG (7.36 KiB) Viewed 9881 times
I'm a web-designing code-decrypting tech-support musician
|| Twitter || Flickr || phpBB Snippets || Formerly known as cherokee red
cherokee red wrote:You can already export pm's in a vanilla installation
Go to your list of Private Messages and at the bottom is a drop down where you can export to CSV, CSV (excel) and XML
See picture below -
Well, I m aware of that ... Normally Administrator and moderators get huge number of private messages.So its very difficult to backup all with current available backup feature.
In above case, user has to conduct export/backup procedures for 19 times.
Yes, working with a large number of PM's is extremely difficult in phpBB3. Just the other day I was testing something on my live site and got over 4,000 debug PM's on my account (I have it set to send me a PM whenever an error is encountered). Luckly though I've edited mine so I can specify the number of PM's shown on one page (there may be a mod for it), so I could delete them all rather easily. If I'd have been stuck with 25 at a time I'd never be able to remove them all.
I know it's almost a year later but search in PM's would be a great benefit...
Another option I could live with is... DB export of PM's so I could keep a copy on my local server....
There is often valuable information which remains valid for several years... mind you I could do this from the ACP but what if I was not an admin?