Edit trouble with ad mod

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Edit trouble with ad mod

Post by jmalcodray »

I am trying to complete the install of the Ad mod and am having trouble. I host on GoDaddy and not sure if my edit tools are sufficient.
First, I am not using Prosilver style, I am using 610NM108. So the intructions I'm following regarding overall_footer and overall_header are in that style folder, not Prosiler's folder.

I can make the first two edit okay but cannot edit overall_header, I get this screen with a bunch of code that starts with {META}, then a Security Info box appears that says the page contains both secure and nonsecure, and do I want to display the nonsecure items. Whether I select Yes or No, the screen never loads.

Also, I am able to get into viewtopic_body but cannot find <div class="topic-actions"> code.

Not crazy about the edit tools -- any suggestions on editing local with some other tool then uploading to the site??

Any ideas??

Thank you,
Joe Alcodray
Dearborn, Michigan, USA

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Kevin Clark
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Re: Edit trouble with ad mod

Post by Kevin Clark »

The main phpbb.com site is open again. You'd be better off posting in the MOD topic for it there.

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Re: Edit trouble with ad mod

Post by jmalcodray »

Thanks Kevin. I do appreciate the good care we got here while the main site was down.

Take care.
Joe Alcodray
Dearborn, Michigan, USA
