dicks wrote:Does the AntiBotQuestion also work for guest postings only? We need a selector to apply this either to registrations and/or guest postings.
No it works only for Registrations
The features you are looking for are available in Prime-AntiBot Mod see 1st post.
I would like to have admin authorization on my board but that is not one of the options as far as I can tell.
I'm looking in the admin control panel>GENERAL Tab>Board Configuration>User registration settings>Account activation. Beside this item there are only possible selections for Disable and None.
Am I looking in the right place? I would expect to see an option there for admin activation or something.
To set Admin registration - ACP -> User Registration Settings -> Account Activation (click on 'By Admin')
About the Spam, you can always create a custom field with questions of your own, don't copy someone elses. Every morning, wake up and change your question. I have dozens that can be used and if I start getting slammed, I will do this. Make sure that if they give the wrong answer, you say it is an error. Would be nice if we could setup a database table of questions and answers, but that mod has not been written yet.
Another thing, many of these bot runs will be from the same ip. Keep a table on your computer and if you are getting multiples from the same ip, add them to .htaccess and deny them entry.
Another problem I thing will be that with many of these spam registrations, they don't post. They don't even log back into the forum once registration has been completed.
They are just filling up the member list with dead wood.
They do log back in order to be activated hence listed into the memberlist. They also full fill the profile fields. I de-activated that spambot now via ACP, in order to see what happens and take care of that in case. The MOD I above linked it's just a start, I'm considering to strongly improve it if I will get some feedback.
Not for me, as I currently have admin activation set to on. But even accounts that I have activated never a login or visit.
However, a useful tool may be the Stop Forum Spam site and its database of known spammers: Stop Forum Spam..
You need to register to get an API but you can then submit your forums spammer details to the database.
Worth considering, perhaps.
Des. . .
As a side note I have integrated a check to Stop Forum Spam within the Anti-Spam ACP modification. Someone else had the idea and were going to make a separate mod for it and I thought I'd implement my own version in the Anti-Spam ACP modification.
Tons of other features as well:
Pre-Registration Captcha - Displays a CAPTCHA before the registration process can begin.
Spam Log
IP Search
Spam word catcher (like word censor, except makes posts by authors with less than X posts need approval if the post contains any of the words in the list)
Disabling of certain profile fields until X number of posts (or require or always disable)
User Flag (Allows you to flag a user (and unflag after they've been flagged). Once flagged, actions performed by that user to their profile, or editing of posts, or adding posts gets listed on a log in the ACP.)
I have never had spammers trying to log in before but just now I found three that had tried and obviously not got past the CAPTCHA. The one that caught my eye was 'CheappOemSoftwware' as I had seen it crop up on a discussion here. Are these auto or are they individuals, I presume they are automated as they didn't complete registration?