Installed Flag mod forum is down

Wondering why that MOD you have won't install correctly? Let's take a look
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Installed Flag mod forum is down

Post by bart0507 »

I'm a total newbie i installed easymod and tried to install country flags 2.3.2 the easy mod was doing its thing than it said to finish manualy, It gave me three options.

Method 1: Copy root/install/db_update_en.php to install/db_update_en.php. Execute and delete after it has been run
Method 2: Use EasyMOD to run contrib/install/db_update_en.txt
Method 3: Copy the SQL query from contrib/install/db_update_en.txt and execute it manually

when i log in and goto profiles i get this message:

Couldn't obtain flags information.


SQL Error : 1146 Table 'morayfie_bartforum.phpbb_flags' doesn't exist

SELECT * FROM phpbb_flags ORDER BY flag_name

Line : 952
File : usercp_register.php

I installed easymod because I have no clue how to install manually, no i'm stuck what can I do.

help anyone thanks,

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Re: Installed Flag mod forum is down

Post by bart0507 »

Ok I'm trying method one, do I delete the "install file" and the "contrib file" in the flag mod?

I have read this forum but i'm still confused, sorry but need help. I 'm sure it easy........................

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Kevin Clark
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Re: Installed Flag mod forum is down

Post by Kevin Clark »

Looks like you haven't done method 1 or it hasn't run correctly.

The MOD is looking for a table in the database which hasn't been made yet. The script in method 1 makes that table.

So, you copy the install folder to your forum folder.
Then go to

That will create the table.
Delete the install folder.


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Re: Installed Flag mod forum is down

Post by bart0507 »

ok I copied the install folder to my forum folder already run db_update_en.php and i saw it create the table , then i deleted the install , but i still have the same problem.

Couldn't obtain flags information.
SQL Error : 1146 Table 'morayfie_bartforum.phpbb_flags' doesn't exist
SELECT * FROM phpbb_flags ORDER BY flag_name
Line : 952
File : usercp_register.php

what went wrong

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Re: Installed Flag mod forum is down

Post by bart0507 »

ok i got it, thanks Kevin I have tried for two days

this............. Method 1: Copy root/install/db_update_en.php to install/db_update_en.php. Execute and delete after it has been run

is the best way to fix , but it doesn't explain itself properly to a newbie, what you wrote made more sense

So, you copy the install folder to your forum folder.
Then go to

and don't forget to press "yes" at the bottom

however i don't see the flags come up and even weirder all the avatar i cannot see, but i do see them in my profile.

any thoughts. :?:

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Re: Installed Flag mod forum is down

Post by bart0507 »

never mind dumbass fixed it.
