Step 1's page lacks anything

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Step 1's page lacks anything

Post by Skulldog »

This one has me puzzled, as I've installed Easymod quite easily on the save server before, no problems.

This round I get to step one, only it doesn't have any of the input fields I'm use to.

"Step 1 (gathering settings): Welcome to the EasyMOD installer. EasyMOD will try to guide you every step of the way. First, we need to know a little about your server."

After that the page just has the graphic end bar and nothing else.

Running on a windows box, after a clean DB wipe of an earlier boarder install.

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Re: Step 1's page lacks anything

Post by frank2008 »

I have the same problem. Installed easymod files as described in the doc under /admin/mods/easymod.
and when I call the link
I just got a screen with the logo, headline and

Step 1 (gathering settings): Welcome to the EasyMOD installer. EasyMOD will try to guide you every step of the way. First, we need to know a little about your server.

Nothing else. I also tried with file permissions 777 to all the phpBB folder.
Using: easyMod 0.4.0, phpBB 2.0.1, php 4.3.2, RedHat Linux
Last edited by frank2008 on Fri Nov 07, 2008 7:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Step 1's page lacks anything

Post by frank2008 »

The same, when using v0.3.0.
Tried it with Firefox 3.0.3 and Safari 3.1.2.

Forgot to say: it was a first install. no previous version installed before.
