A set of public APIs?

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A set of public APIs?

Post by malcombsd »

Dear Development Team,
I would to make an stand-alone app (in Java) that allows me to comunicate with phpBB forum (starting from v.3). Unfortunatly I've not found anything about the existence of a sort of dedicated API (something like Google XML APIs for search or Flickr API). Is there a plan to support a set of API that allows external program to talk, post message, read messages, login/out etc.? Or the only way is to make a raw (horrible) html parser?
(I could start a new MOD for XML comunication if there are not any plan to make it)

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Re: A set of public APIs?

Post by malcombsd »

Ok I've started working on it.
At this time it allows to begin a login session, mantain it, get forums list.
Other things will come soon.
Should I create a page for it?

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Re: A set of public APIs?

Post by Prince of area51 »

You can always start a thread in [3.0.x] MODs in Development.

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