phpBB has moved to SVN!
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Discussion of general topics related to the new release and its place in the world. Don't discuss new features, report bugs, ask for support, et cetera. Don't use this to spam for other boards or attack those boards!
phpBB has moved to SVN!
Have you read recent submissions to phpbb-checkins mailing list? All of the mails have r???? in their title (CVS has used 1.x numbers) and in one of them, Naderman has wrote "test commit on svn" in the log message! Now the question is where that SVN repository is located... Maybe any developer will answer? - user-friendly Polish phpBB3 support
Re: phpBB has moved to SVN!
If you look at to: theres a new address.. Its using a new project management web app.
Re: phpBB has moved to SVN!
What SVN do people here recommend? I can't seem to get one to work so far with my Apache 2.2.x 
Re: phpBB has moved to SVN!
Is it still a non-public area?
Tried to download the latest asking for username and pass.
Tried to download the latest asking for username and pass.
Star Trek Guide Forums Moderation Team
phpBB3 MODs and Styles Development - Olympus MOD Database - phpBB programming Academy
phpBB3 MODs and Styles Development - Olympus MOD Database - phpBB programming Academy
Re: phpBB has moved to SVN!
patpatten wrote:Is it still a non-public area?
Tried to download the latest asking for username and pass.
Code: Select all
svn co
Re: phpBB has moved to SVN!
works now 
Star Trek Guide Forums Moderation Team
phpBB3 MODs and Styles Development - Olympus MOD Database - phpBB programming Academy
phpBB3 MODs and Styles Development - Olympus MOD Database - phpBB programming Academy
Re: phpBB has moved to SVN!
Mine keeps telling me this:
svn: Unrecognized URL scheme for ''
Re: phpBB has moved to SVN!
Nevermind, I compiled it without Neon/Serf.