loggia wrote:Bonjour.
After an easy installation of EM, I have this 404 error message during instllation of some MODs : "The requested URL /phpBB2/admin/admin_easymod.php was not found on this server."
I already install "Admin_Userlist_206c" using EM without problem. But I got the 404 error trying to install "Zero users. or " User Shield". Here's the path to "admin_easymod.php" on my FTP client (from the root folder of the site):
Here's the config of EM :
All the files on the phpBB folder have 755 permissions. "admin_easymod.php" have 644 permissions. I'm using phpBB v.2 up to date. I suspect some dumb error on my side but connot find it.
Thanks for any help.
first, go to your ftp and correct all your phpbb file permissions.
all phpbb files should be set to 644
all phpbb folders should be set to 755
if you allow uploading of avatars, then the avatars folder should be set to 777
once you have that done.
then you can copy any SQL statements that are in the MOD file and paste them into a text file.
then, remove them from the MOD file and run it again.
if it is successful, then you do the SQL directly on the database using phpmyadmin or similar.
I have seen this problem before, The SQL part is what caused it. I could not figure out why, but removing it from the MOD solved the problem.