SQL Error : 1146

Discussion on a SQL Parser for EasyMOD
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SQL Error : 1146

Post by lucorium »

Hello, when I tried to install easymod an SQL Error : 1146 came on the screen. I dont know what to do about it. I read all the posts and found no solution.
The installation started very smooth until I pressed the Confirm button and the following came up.

Code: Select all

Installing EasyMOD beta (0.3.0)

Final Step: EasyMOD is now confirming all files have been correctly moved into place. If confirmed, then your database will be updated and installation will be complete!

admin_easymod.php, looking for: admin_easymod.php

mod_install.tpl: verifying existence

Updating EasyMOD table data
Storing config table entries: Done

Executing SQL: INSERT INTO phpbbt_easymod ( mod_title, mod_file, mod_version, mod_author_handle, mod_author_email, mod_author_name, mod_author_url, mod_description, mod_process_date, mod_phpBB_version, mod_processed_themes, mod_processed_langs, mod_files_edited, mod_tables_added, mod_tables_altered, mod_rows_inserted) VALUES ( 'EasyMOD', 'easymod/easymod_install.php', '0.3.0', 'Nuttzy', '[email protected]', 'n/a', 'http://www.blizzhackers.com', 'EasyMOD automatically perfoms in seconds which previously required the tedious task of manually editing files.', 1183792090, '2.0.22', 'subSilver', 'english', 0, 1, 0, 1)

Progress :: . Done
Result   :: Some queries failed, the statements and errors are listing below

    * Error :: Table 'phpbbt.phpbbt_easymod' doesn't exist
      SQL   :: INSERT INTO phpbbt_easymod ( mod_title, mod_file, mod_version, mod_author_handle, mod_author_email, mod_author_name, mod_author_url, mod_description, mod_process_date, mod_phpBB_version, mod_processed_themes, mod_processed_langs, mod_files_edited, mod_tables_added, mod_tables_altered, mod_rows_inserted) VALUES ( 'EasyMOD', 'easymod/easymod_install.php', '0.3.0', 'Nuttzy', '[email protected]', 'n/a', 'http://www.blizzhackers.com', 'EasyMOD automatically perfoms in seconds which previously required the tedious task of manually editing files.', 1183792090, '2.0.22', 'subSilver', 'english', 0, 1, 0, 1)

Code: Select all


Could not successfully update table. Something is wrong and install cannot complete.

Code: Select all

Expanded Debug Info
(formatted for forum posting)

[quote="EM installer v0.3.0"]
[b]EM status:[/b] New Install
[b]phpBB version:[/b] 2.0.22
[b]Working Dir:[/b] C:\Abyss Web Server\htdocs\Lucorium\Forum2\admin\mods\easymod
[b]Install Step:[/b] 7

[quote="The Error"]

Could not successfully update table. Something is wrong and install cannot complete.

[b]Permissions:[/b] (including system errors)
read access 	 ::  	[b][color=green]OK[/color][/b]
write access 	 ::  	[b][color=green]OK[/color][/b]
root path write 	 ::  	[b][color=green]OK[/color][/b]
chmod access 	 ::  	[b][color=green]OK[/color][/b]
unlink access 	 ::  	[b][color=green]OK[/color][/b]
mkdir access 	 ::  	[b][color=green]OK[/color][/b]
tmp path write 	 ::  	[b][color=green]OK[/color][/b]
FTP extension 	 ::  	[b][color=green]OK[/color][/b]
Safe Mode 	 ::  	[b][color=green]OFF[/color][/b]
copy access 	 ::  	[b][color=green]OK[/color][/b]

[b]Additional System Information:[/b]

[b]System:[/b] Windows NT LUCAS-PC 6.0 build 6000
[b]Configure Command:[/b] cscript /nologo configure.js "--enable-snapshot-build" "--with-gd=shared"
[b]PHP version:[/b] 5.2.2
[b]register_globals:[/b] ON
[b]magic_quotes_gpc:[/b] OFF
[b]magic_quotes_runtime:[/b] OFF
[b]allow_url_fopen:[/b] ON
[b]sockets_support:[/b] N/A

[b]write:[/b] server
[b]move:[/b] copy

[b]Selected settings:[/b]
[b]write:[/b] server
[b]move:[/b] copy
[b]ftp dir:[/b] /
[b]ftp host:[/b] localhost
[b]ftp port:[/b] 21
[b]ftp debug:[/b] false
[b]ftp ext:[/b] fsock
[b]ftp cache:[/b] false

[b]CWD Listing:[/b]
drwxrwxrwx .
drwxrwxrwx ..
-rw-rw-rw- easymod.gif
-rw-rw-rw- easymod_display_functions.php
-rw-rw-rw- easymod_install.php
drwxrwxrwx em_includes
drwxrwxrwx includes
drwxrwxrwx languages
-rwxrwxrwx post_process.bat
-rw-rw-rw- post_process.sh
drwxrwxrwx templates

Not testing FTP since it is not being used.

Any suggestion?


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Posts: 1
Joined: Sat May 12, 2007 10:38 am

Re: SQL Error : 1146

Post by Alargule »

Same here.

Anyone with a possible solution???

Registered User
Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Aug 07, 2007 5:55 am

Re: SQL Error : 1146

Post by movesandpepper »

I have the same problem, I am willing to provide more info about my setup but the error message is almost verbatim.
