How to join the development team?

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How to join the development team?

Post by TheWakeUpCall »

Hey I have been learning PHP for over 6 months now (close to a year) and I created a mini-myspace to get my skills to a good standard.

However all my projects I do goto a very small audience, and I am looking to develop in something bigger. PHPbb seems like it could be the perfect thing, but only if I was allowed to help develop for it.

Can anyone help me and tell me if it would be possible to join the team?

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Re: How to join the development team?

Post by DanoruX »

I think it's more of a "don't call us, we'll call you" thing...

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Re: How to join the development team?

Post by ac_roma »

really nice to every one to be dev. and the best is know php :)

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Re: How to join the development team?

Post by Matt12345 »

None of us can speak for the phpBB team, but your best bet would probably get to know the code well, show that you know the code by developing mods (you can't submit Olympus mods until RC1 is released, but you could always get started now). Also, helping out in the support forums couldn't hurt either. Then, if a dev spot does open up, they can look at what you have already provided to the project (in the form of mods, support, discussion that is relevant to the project, finding bugs, etc.). Just my $.02.

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Re: How to join the development team?

Post by Highway of Life »

DanoruX wrote: I think it's more of a "don't call us, we'll call you" thing...
I think this is the closest answer.
AFAIK, every member of the dev team has been invited.

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Re: How to join the development team?

Post by Matt12345 »

Highway of Life wrote:
DanoruX wrote: I think it's more of a "don't call us, we'll call you" thing...
I think this is the closest answer.
AFAIK, every member of the dev team has been invited.

I agree, I was just giving some ideas on how to better one's chances of being selected. The recent additions to the dev team were all mod authors before being asked to join as phpBB devs.

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Re: How to join the development team?

Post by SHS` »

Matt12345 wrote: I agree, I was just giving some ideas on how to better one's chances of being selected. The recent additions to the dev team were all mod authors before being asked to join as phpBB devs.

3 of 4 recent additions to the Dev Team were not MOD authors...
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Re: How to join the development team?

Post by Matt12345 »

Unless I'm missing something, three of the four recent additions had mods before they became developers. Kellenved had his "Invitation only" mod release announcement on April 19, 2005. Vic D'Elfant had his "Clean phpBB SQL Tables" mod release announcement on May 28th, 2005 and his "SQL Backup" in Jan of 2006. Naderman had a 'Cash on Index page" mod back in 2003, but that wasn't official and an "April Fools MOD" back in 2005. Graham also had mods dating back to 2004 (which was before he was a dev as far as I can remember) and acydburn had his attachment mod, but I can't remember if that was before or after he became a dev (I don't have the time now to search as I am studying for a medical biochemistry final). In my previous post I wasn't saying that all of the devs were prolific mod authors, but they had at least one mod that was checked by the mod team and had a release announcement in the mod section on The only one I didn't see any mods from was DavidMJ. I did look this up before I made my previous post...I try to post only factual things, but occasionally I do goof ;) I was just trying to be helpful from what I have seen over the past few years, and did qualify what I posted with something like "none of us can speak for the devs."


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Re: How to join the development team?

Post by Lastof »

I believe both DavidMJ and naderman were working on the Events system community coding project prior to their invitation, and from what was said at the time they were asked to join in light of the quality of their work on that.

The other recent additions have all been in other teams, and thus have demonstrated their dedication to the project, and I would assume their coding abilities in other ways.

To the original poster, no offense, but 6 months really doesn't seem long enough to me to get a level of knowledge and ability to be on par with the quality of code that they seem to be aiming at. I'd do what others suggested, get involved with the community, write some mods, help out around the support forums. This will not only show whether you are capable of being a useful member of the team, but should hone your coding abilities, and familiarise you to Olympus' codebase.
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Re: How to join the development team?

Post by Rotsblok »

I think if you give Bertie enough honey he will let you in.
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