- it is clear, both from playing with the forum and from cursory look at the bug tracker that there are still many bugs, with the majority of the recently reported ones in and around the new prosilver style.
- it is also quite clear that beta-5 is not relevant any more. very few beta-5 bugs are reported, and of those, the vast majority are in the "already fixed", "duplicate" or "support request" categories.
- almost all of the relevant reported bugs relate to the cvs version.
- this state of affairs is not the desirable state. the whole point of conducting a beta program, with well defined and control releases of successive beta versions is that the users know exactly what they are testing, the developers know exactly what version each bug report pertains to, things are reproducible etc.
- since, as i pointed out earlier, beta-5 is not relevant any more, i think it is clear that a new release is in order.
- imo, it is way premature for rc1, especially with the current state of prosilver: for instance: all the great work shs` have done to make subsilver "rtl-ready" needs to be re-done for prosilver, there are numerous reports regarding different browsers compatibility, there are specific reported trouble-areas, and more.
- if past experience is any indication, each new beta release brings with it an upsurge in testing and reporting activity. it seems that many more people are ready and willing to test a new beta release than people who are engaged in cvs version testing.
- in light of all the above, i think the best thing to do would be to create another beta release, and the sooner the better.
i recommend/request the dev team to re-evaluate the situation, and to release (at least) one more beta version, and not to wait another day for it.
have a good one.