How do I get those little graphics to appear?

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How do I get those little graphics to appear?

Post by tomharrybill »

how do I get those little graphics to appear?

Y' know the type that appear in the tab part of a web page?

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Re: How do I get those little graphics to appear?

Post by Highway of Life »

No... I have no idea what you are talking about.
What graphics?
Some clarity might help. ;)

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Re: How do I get those little graphics to appear?

Post by Lastof »

Last edited by Lastof on 04 May 2008, 00:00, edited -1 times in total
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get little graphics to appear

Post by numediaweb »

first of all You should, make an icon file called 'favicon.ico' of 16 x 16 pixels which will be the icon used in the site adress bar. Upload it into the images directory of phpBB 3.

Then go to admin cp and edit the overall_header template;


Code: Select all

and after it add

Code: Select all

<link rel="icon" href="images/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> 
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="images/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
that's all, it works for me, so it will work for you!

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Re: How do I get those little graphics to appear?

Post by spiritofamerica »

I am in the ACP, but do not see anything resembles a place to edit the overall header.

Please be a bit more specific as to where to find the place to do this edit. Thanks.

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Re: How do I get those little graphics to appear?

Post by stickerboy »

Support should be asked in the relevant forums over at
As this is a styles support question you should ask in the styles forums.
Also, please don't bump 2 year old topics ;)
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Re: How do I get those little graphics to appear?

Post by Freitag »

cherokee red wrote:Also, please don't bump 2 year old topics ;)
The point of an archive is specifically so that it can be revived - otherwise it would be pruned.

Sure the guy was in the wrong place, but newbies don't know which functions are ACP things and which are sftp/vi things (or notepad for you Windows guys) - so they have to ask somewhere.

And bumping an old topic that is related at leaved proves they used the search function instead of just crying for help first.

In fact, I'm about to bump a post on because it's not been answered (and it was my question - I don't want it ignored)
Am I?

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