Discuss features as they are added to the new version. Give us your feedback. Don't post bug reports, feature requests, support questions or suggestions here.
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Discuss features as they are added to the new version. Give us your feedback. Don't post bug reports, feature requests, support questions or suggestions here. Feature requests are closed.
I was just wondering, will there be a Gender feature to phpBB3 in the end along with a male/female symbol to the right of user names? Because that would be an awesome feature (And have a dark grey question mark for unknown maybe?) The gender images also should have appropriate Alt text.
And how about...
Quick Edit?
Ajax to tell how much characters you have left?
Ajax to tell how many more files / how much file size you have left for this post for attachments?
Smaller space in between list items? 8O
Ability to put down: Topic Notification: No E-Mail Notification but still be able to see it in your subscribed threads?
Danopia: wats wrong with windows server? Iyeru: Everything Danopia: r u another stereotyper? Iyeru: No, I'm not a stereotyper. Iyeru: In fact, I don't think I can type in stereo.
Case wrote:
Gender can be handled by the custom profile fields. OK, so its not an image but it still does the job.
Thanks to the template engine, it only needs tiny changes in the template to add the image. You can use custom profile fields in templates, the parts on how to use and include them are properly commented (viewtopic.html and memberlist.html for viewprofile):
Ajax to tell how many more files / how much file size you have left for this post for attachments?
phpBB 3.0 will not have any Ajax. This was a concious decision, to give it a foundation that requires no (or at little as possible JS). Now we can add AJAX upon it for 3.2.
iyeru42 wrote:
Smaller space in between list items? 8O
Apparently the BBCode adds a <br /> after the list item, which shouldn't happen. But this is already fixed in current CVS. This board is still mostly Beta4.
iyeru42 wrote:
Ability to put down: Topic Notification: No E-Mail Notification but still be able to see it in your subscribed threads?[/list][/list]
You apparently didn't notice the Bookmark feature?
You mean bookmark feature of the Internet browser? If not, I don't know where that feature is on phpBB. IPB 2.0.0 FInal came out with a dropdown box next to the E-Mail Notification Option Description that included, but not limited to: No E-Mail Notification, E-Mail Notification and a couple of other options (IE: Notify only on new replies, etc.)
Also, on the templating system note: Some skins may not be compatible AT ALL with this system, and some modifications will no longer be able to be made for phpBB. For example, at cinebolly.com, they have a quick reply modification that when you click on a username (The injection for {postrow.USERNAME}) in topicview, the quick reply mod adds {USERNAME}, This modification removes the {postrow.USERNAME} injection.
Danopia: wats wrong with windows server? Iyeru: Everything Danopia: r u another stereotyper? Iyeru: No, I'm not a stereotyper. Iyeru: In fact, I don't think I can type in stereo.
iyeru42 wrote:
You mean bookmark feature of the Internet browser? If not, I don't know where that feature is on phpBB. IPB 2.0.0 FInal came out with a dropdown box next to the E-Mail Notification Option Description that included, but not limited to: No E-Mail Notification, E-Mail Notification and a couple of other options (IE: Notify only on new replies, etc.)
Look above you. Right under the buttons "new topic" and "postreply" under the headline "Gender Icons in topicview / etc.".
Or go to your User Control Panel, "Mangement bookmarks".
I don't like these cold, precise, perfect people, who, in order not to speak wrong, never speak at all, and in order not to do wrong, never do anything. (Henry Ward Beecher) Die Stifthelden
iyeru42 wrote:
Also, on the templating system note: Some skins may not be compatible AT ALL with this system, and some modifications will no longer be able to be made for phpBB.
Olympus (phpBB3) will not support any phpBB2 Modification or Style for obvious reasons. You will be surprised how much more flexible you can be as a MOD or Style author for phpBB3, though. You will be able to do a lot more than on version 2.
iyeru42 wrote:
Also, on the templating system note: Some skins may not be compatible AT ALL with this system, and some modifications will no longer be able to be made for phpBB.
Olympus (phpBB3) will not support any phpBB2 Modification or Style for obvious reasons. You will be surprised how much more flexible you can be as a MOD or Style author for phpBB3, though. You will be able to do a lot more than on version 2.
but in order to do so- you need to know more, right? well, about the <!-- IF --> things built in by phpBB of course
Uchiha Nick wrote:
but in order to do so- you need to know more, right?
Look at it this way:
The more you learn about the phpBB2 engine, the less powerful you'll feel.
The more you learn about the phpBB3 engine, the more powerful you'll become.
Uchiha Nick wrote:
about the <!-- IF --> things built in by phpBB of course
We will try to offer you as much guidance as possible. I expect people to have far less problems getting used to the 3.0 system, than people had when 2.0 was released almost 5 years ago. People tend to invest more energy when they get more out of it (if it is at a reasonable relation, which we more than believe it is).