Wondering why that MOD you have won't install correctly? Let's take a look
Forum rules DO NOT give out any FTP passwords to anyone! There is no reason to do so! If you need help badly enough, create a temporary FTP account that is restricted to only the files that you need help with and give the information for that. Giving out FTP information can be very dangerous!
angsikod wrote:
When I try to install the attachment mod using the EasyMOD friendly instruction given in this topic, I run into a new error not yet reported by others. Please help me and give me some advise.
Chew Hoe, could you start your own topic so as not to confuse what is being discussed in this one? When you do that, could you provide a text link to your faq.php file too???
Creating text Links for phpBB files
First create a duplicate of the phpBB file on your PC, then rename the file by adding .txt to the end of the file name. Next upload the file to a location on your FTP Server accessible to the public and provide a link back here for us to analyze it...
The path to your file could look something like this now:
Proposed Database Alterations for your mysql4 Database Allow
No SQL alterations will be performed. However, you may skip SQL processing, continue installing the MOD, and deal with the SQL manually
The following error occured:
Invalid column name " ", statement: 1, table: "phpbb_attachments_config"
CREATE TABLE phpbb_attachments_config( config_name varchar(255) NOT NULL, config_value varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(config_name))
+[¨Look at me, you may think you see who I really am, but you’ll never know me. Everyday it’s as if I play a part. Now I see, if I wear a mask I can fool the world, but I cannot fool my heart.¨]+
Atea a.k.a Rea a.k.a Shadow Angel Without Wings ...
I don't see anything wrong with this SQL query. The best way to handle this would probably be to follow these instructions:
Now we want to create the tables, therefore we run the install.php file (http://www.yoursite.com/phpBB2/install/install.php) Please be sure to enter the correct URL (replacing http://www.yoursite.com with your sites URL), the install.php file has to be placed within the install folder. If it is not within the install folder, you WILL get errors.
Once you have successfully updated your database, you can delete the install folder that you uploaded to your phpBB forum folder, then complete the MOD install, ignoring this SQL Processing error. Your forum will remain down as long as the install folder exists. Be careful to delete the correct folder...
I have an emergency so I can't stick around to see how this goes. So good luck Atea. Make sure you follow the DIY INSTRUCTIONS section at the end of the MOD...
+[¨Look at me, you may think you see who I really am, but you’ll never know me. Everyday it’s as if I play a part. Now I see, if I wear a mask I can fool the world, but I cannot fool my heart.¨]+
Atea a.k.a Rea a.k.a Shadow Angel Without Wings ...
I still have these problems ... I can't believe, I'm working on this project [forum] for three months now 8O 8O
+[¨Look at me, you may think you see who I really am, but you’ll never know me. Everyday it’s as if I play a part. Now I see, if I wear a mask I can fool the world, but I cannot fool my heart.¨]+
Atea a.k.a Rea a.k.a Shadow Angel Without Wings ...
Atea wrote:
I still have these problems ... I can't believe, I'm working on this project [forum] for three months now 8O 8O
Bah, I spent 4 months on my forum before I went public.
I myself havn't been following this thread, so I'm useless to you, but good luck with it all
Try and make sure that all of your phpBB files/folders have been uploaded.
I uploaded all the files, but, when I run install.php, it somehow won't open file attach_mysql_schema.sql
+[¨Look at me, you may think you see who I really am, but you’ll never know me. Everyday it’s as if I play a part. Now I see, if I wear a mask I can fool the world, but I cannot fool my heart.¨]+
Atea a.k.a Rea a.k.a Shadow Angel Without Wings ...