are the confirmation pages really necessary?

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Re: are the confirmation pages really necessary?

Post by Wert »

muhaidib wrote: well,, it's true that many offer an option, but the thing that i think is pointless is the admin password confirm page,,, i think it should just go to the ACP
I believe that's a security feature.
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Nicholas the Italian
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Re: are the confirmation pages really necessary?

Post by Nicholas the Italian »

Eelke wrote: Best reason I got from there to have confirmation pages: to stop people from accidentally creating a double post by hitting reload on the page that follows the post action

Definitely a goor reason, I wonder if that could be controlloed at a lower level; for example, if each insertion had an ID, and someone tried to submit it twice, the DBMS would automatically reject the second one. This might be complex and an overload, I guess.
This is not a priority anyway.

BTW, I tried to lower the delay time as suggested; I found out it has to do with php 'META' variables etc., but there's a lot of them in each page; can I just change all of them or is there some particoular reason for which I should check one by one?
PS: I'm talking about phpBB2 :oops:

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