As this behavior got marked as "not a bug" in the bug tracker I would like to take the question here as a discussion: What is the reason for this handling? Any comments / hints?
Error report: The BBCodes in posts that are previewed in search results don't get rendered correctly, e.g. they are still shown like "[b]this text should be bold[/b]" not as bold text.
BBCodes in previewed search results
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BBCodes in previewed search results
Last edited by th23 on Mon Nov 06, 2006 12:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: BBCodes in previewed search results
You may want to change that quote-bbcode to a code to get your point across
That's very peculiar, maybe a developer would care to explain why this is intended behaviour. Stripping the bbcode out I could probably live with, but unparsed seems a bit strange.
That's very peculiar, maybe a developer would care to explain why this is intended behaviour. Stripping the bbcode out I could probably live with, but unparsed seems a bit strange.
Re: BBCodes in previewed search results
Thanks Eelke... didn't think to deactivate BBCode parsing here
Yeah, not showing bbcodes totally would be fine for me, but as you said, not parsing them looks "a bit" odd to me.
Yeah, not showing bbcodes totally would be fine for me, but as you said, not parsing them looks "a bit" odd to me.
Re: BBCodes in previewed search results
Actually not parsing bbcode could be a negative experience for those who use things like spoiler tags...
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Re: BBCodes in previewed search results
Yes, I remember reporting this bug some time ago...
Maybe it should be revisited... ?
For posts that have a lot of BBCode being use, it can look rather interesting in the searches...
This is some text
Would look like:
In the search.
Maybe it should be revisited... ?
For posts that have a lot of BBCode being use, it can look rather interesting in the searches...
This is some text
Would look like:
Code: Select all
[b][size=10][color=blue]This[/color] [color=red]is[/color] [color=green]some[/color][/size] [size=14][color=purple][i]text[/i][/color][/size][/b]
Re: BBCodes in previewed search results
Uh, current CVS renders posts which are shown completely and strips BBcode from posts which are shown incomplete. It also finds the context of searched words and displays those areas of incomplete posts. It's not possible with the current BBCode class to render incomplete parts of a message.
- Highway of Life
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Re: BBCodes in previewed search results
awesome search queryDr.Death wrote:" target="_blank