moneyman2010mn wrote:
So if price didn't matter at all even though it does, would you choose vB over phpBB3? Is vB more secure than phpBB3? I've heard that phpBB in general is a security mess.
phpBB2 is a security mess, this is correct.
If the price was the same between vB and phpBB3, I would go with vB.
Unless I was on shared hosting, then I would go with phpBB3, as you do have to have a pretty powerful server to go with a vB board, but this I have two of.
moneyman2010nm wrote:
Also, what about IPB and SMF? What features do they lack that phpBB has?
Well, I really don't know much about, nor have I ever, to my knowledge, used a SMF board, so I can neither discredit them, nor can I vouch for them.
All I know is it looks like a mix between phpBB2, some elements of phpBB3 and vB. But it looks pretty basic.
However, between SMF and phpBB, since phpBB has a bigger audiance, (community) I would go with phpBB just because of the larger amount of support and MOD selection that would exist.
As far as IPB goes... phpBB3 has nearly ALL of the IPB features...
Plus, phpBB has the added benefit of: Being open-source
IF they were the same price, i would still go with Olympus.
It's strange, and I have not put my finger on it yet, but every IPB I've been to, even though it's packed with really nice features, for some reason, I just don't like posting on it.
Or something about the way it looks or functions just does not sit well with me.
I think it's probably just me, but there is just something about it that seems to have bad Karma, and I have not a clue what it is besides the default style.