
Wondering why that MOD you have won't install correctly? Let's take a look
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Post by sergefa »

I tried to install Arcade_MOD_v2.1.2 and when pressing process buttong I got a page Installation Failed . What am I to do to enable the Mod installing?
Thank you in advance
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Re: Arcade_MOD_v2.1.2

Post by Nightrider »

It sounds like either the file permissions are wrong or that you might have to install a special version of EM designed for sites where the file permissions MUST BE 755 rather than 644, which is standard on most sites. In the standard version of EM, it sets all file permissions to 644, which works on the majority of sites, but not on sites like Awardspace and Lycos, to name a few...

Who is your host? Check the file permissions on some of your phpBB root files such as index.php and viewtopic.php. What are the permissions set to???


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Re: Arcade_MOD_v2.1.2

Post by sergefa »

Hallo again!
1.The permissions to the files that you indicated are set to -rw-r-r--
2. One more question, most likely not related to this topic
When I tried to install inline banner mod I got at the 2 step I got the followimng MySql warning:
Inconsistent display width specified "TINYINT(5)" in column "ad_id", statement: 1, table: "phpbb_inline_ads"
I considered it wise not to carryon beforw I consult someone
I would also grateful if you advised me on MySql inline banner mod problem.
3 Third question concerns the Forum rules yellow box at the top of this page. Can such a feature be setup through a mod or is it one of the latest phpBB features?
Thank you
P.S. My host is a russian company 'Slavhost'. I guess you never heard of it so it doesn't say much to you.
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Re: Arcade_MOD_v2.1.2

Post by Nightrider »

sergefa wrote: 1.The permissions to the files that you indicated are set to -rw-r-r--

Ok, you seem to have a standard setup. That means that the file permissions are set to 644, which is typical for most sites...
sergefa wrote: 2. One more question, most likely not related to this topic
When I tried to install inline banner mod I got at the 2 step I got the followimng MySql warning:
Inconsistent display width specified "TINYINT(5)" in column "ad_id", statement: 1, table: "phpbb_inline_ads"
I considered it wise not to carryon beforw I consult someone
I would also grateful if you advised me on MySql inline banner mod problem.

That is just a warning error. It won't hurt if you continue, but it gives you the option to change the SQL queries before you run them. Unless you really understand SQL, you probably shouldn't bother with it. Just complete the install...
sergefa wrote: 3 Third question concerns the Forum rules yellow box at the top of this page. Can such a feature be setup through a mod or is it one of the latest phpBB features?

Since you have the ability to modify your phpBB file code, you can add stuff like that to your forum. If you know HTML, that makes life a bit easier. If you want something like that to appear on every page, you can edit your overall_header.tpl file and add the code there. Otherwise you would want to modify the tpl code for the page you want it to display. In other words, if you want the new code to appear only on the Main Index page, you would edit the index_body.tpl file...
sergefa wrote: P.S. My host is a russian company 'Slavhost'. I guess you never heard of it so it doesn't say much to you.

No, I haven't heard of it, but it sounds like your settings are typical. From what you mentioned above, it doesn't sound like you would need to install a special version of EM designed to work on sites where file permissions must be set to 755. So you seem to have a different problem...


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Re: Arcade_MOD_v2.1.2

Post by sergefa »

Thank for answering 2 of my 3 questions.
I gonna install the ArcadeMode myself but the junior_admin Mod is too big to be installed by myselfand I didn;t even try to do so as I still can't see junior_admin folder in my EM admin panel. I just can't figure what i am missing here.
I found that the install.txt files differs from the accepted form for install files. Would be it a right thing to do if I replace red lines with blue lines in the install file?

## 2.0.5 ##
## Description: This will allow you to define
## any and all users you'd like to
## have access to whatever admin
## modules you'd like.
## Compatibility: phpBB - 2.0.4 - 2.0.6
## php - 4.0.1 or above
** Author: Nivisec ([email protected]) **
**" target="_blank **
** **
** Language **
** Files At:" target="_blank **

## Installation Level: Fairly Easy
## Installation Time: 8-15 minutes
## Author Notes:
## Once installed, you will have a new admin panel
## option called "Junior Admin" under the "User Admin"
## area.
## You should install my Color Groups mod to have
## Junior Admin take advantage of it fully. It is
## not required however.
## Support:" target="_blank
## Copyright: ©2002-2003
## ********* UPDATING *********
## Please see the goodies/updating/ directory
## for information on upgrading from a previous
## version.
#-----[ UPLOAD ]------------------------------------------
# If you are having trouble understanding this section, read
# the goodies/understanding_upload.txt file.
nivisec_install.php to /
nivisec_schema/*.* to nivisec_schema/
admin/admin_jr_admin.php to admin/
language/lang_english/lang_jr_admin.php to language/lang_english/
includes/functions_jr_admin.php to includes/
images/*.* to images/
templates/subSilver/admin/*.* to templates/subSilver/admin/

#-----[ RUN ]------------------------------------------
# Choose Install from the list of items here. If you
# are upgrading from a previous version, please see
# goodies/updating/ for more info first.
and so on....

## MOD Author: Nivisec ([email protected])## MOD Description: Integrates AJAX into phpBB to edit posts inline and various other things.
## MOD Version: 2.0.5

Should I remove the run nivisec_install.php lines and leave only lines that concern the files that are to be altered?
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Re: Arcade_MOD_v2.1.2

Post by Nightrider »

Download this copy of the Junior Admin MOD that I modified to work in EM. The MOD script that you are attempting to use IS NOT in a standard and accepted format...


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Re: Arcade_MOD_v2.1.2

Post by sergefa »

Thank you for the modified file. I have placed it in the folder and now I see junior_admin dfolder in the EM admin panel but when I run process I get a Installation Failed page with a Critical Error message:
FIND FAILED: In file [includes/page_tail.php] could not find:

$admin_link = ( $userdata['user_level'] == ADMIN ) ? '<a href="admin/index.'
. $phpEx . '?sid=' . $userdata['session_id'] . '">' . $lang['Admin_panel'] .
'</a><br /><br />' : '';

I found the mentioned line in the includes/page_tail.php. It won't be difficult for me to modifie this particular line but how can I enable EM to go on with processing the junior_admin mod. Is there anyway I could make it work. To tell the truth I don't want to install the mod by hand. Yesterday I installed Arcade Mod by hand the instruction said it would take 30 minutes it took me several hours. I guess the instruction didn't make allowances for my personal stupidity but I do need to install this mod.
While I am at it could you answer some more questions. Will EM mode feature included in the phpBB 3? If not it means I will have to install all the mods again, right? It wouldn't make me happy, all in all there are about 10 mods. Well. at least I will have experience gained from installing the mods but EM mod is gonna be my first mod to install after upgrading
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Re: Arcade_MOD_v2.1.2

Post by Nightrider »

Could you please provide a text link to your includes/page_tail.php file???

Usually with EM, less is best. Many MOD authors provide far too much detail in their FIND statements, limiting the number of boards that the MOD can install cleanly without any conflicts or need for modification. Once I see your includes/page_tail.php file, I will be able to tell you how to modify the MOD script to work on your board...

Creating text Links for phpBB files

First create a duplicate of the phpBB file on your PC, then rename the file by adding .txt to the end of the file name. Next upload the file to a location on your FTP Server accessible to the public and provide a link back here for us to analyze it...

The path to your file could look something like this now:

Code: Select all
I haven't attempted to install phpBB 3 let alone EM into it. I doubt that EM will come as part of the phpBB package, but perhaps we will get lucky. I wouldn't hold your breath though...

There seems to be a few people who are attempting to install EM 0.3.0 into phpBB3 but I have yet to hear if anyone has succeeded yet. It will be interesting to hear their results. I'm hoping for the best...


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JuniorAdmin Problem

Post by sergefa »

Here is the ink to the page_tail.txt
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Re: Arcade_MOD_v2.1.2

Post by Nightrider »

Ok this is easy. Do this:



Code: Select all

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$admin_link = ( $userdata['user_level'] == ADMIN ) ? '<a href="admin/index.' 
. $phpEx . '?sid=' . $userdata['session_id'] . '">' . $lang['Admin_panel'] .

'</a><br /><br />' : '';

Code: Select all

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$admin_link =
Save, upload, and try again using EM...

