"Last Edited By" position
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Discuss features as they are added to the new version. Give us your feedback. Don't post bug reports, feature requests, support questions or suggestions here. Feature requests are closed.
"Last Edited By" position
I know this has been like this since phpBB 2.0, but when you edit posts (or when a moderator edits), the Last Edited By message is displayed after your signature. It seeems more logical to do it before, so that you know that the post was edited and not the signature. I know I can probably mod this in 30 seconds, but it just seems illogical to have it there in the first place; why is it?
Signatures, what a nifty feature. Useful for addding spam to every post.
Might as well add my own spam:
http://www.globalmsg.com" target="_blank http://www.evura.com" target="_blank http://www.legicode.com" target="_blank
Might as well add my own spam:
http://www.globalmsg.com" target="_blank http://www.evura.com" target="_blank http://www.legicode.com" target="_blank
Re: "Last Edited By" position
I haven't paid attention to that but if it is below the signature I agree it should be before it.
Re: "Last Edited By" position
Probably because it's closer to the edit button this way