Waited for BETA, for nothing.
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Discussion of general topics related to the new release and its place in the world. Don't discuss new features, report bugs, ask for support, et cetera. Don't use this to spam for other boards or attack those boards!
Waited for BETA, for nothing.
Edit: I have solution. I will create upgrade scripts myself if they are not provided.
Last edited by Richy on Wed Jun 28, 2006 4:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Waited for BETA, for nothing.
Beta is for testing, not for use in a live environment. They have always said there may not be any upgrade scripts between Beta's (I think they will though).
The Official Announcement wrote: During the beta phase a minimal level of support will be given. We will provide answers to general setup questions, configuration problems and support for determining common problems mostly related to bugs. We will not support modifications, custom code/style additions or any users using the beta packages within a live environment.
For some support questions we may ask you to re-install the beta, clean tables in the database, purge data or other actions which are not advised to do in a live environment. So please be aware that you are still on your own if you run the beta in such an environment.
Beginning with the release candidates full support will of course be given.
They will try, there is just no guarantee.A long time ago, [url=http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=250057]psoTFX[/url] wrote: We will do all we can to ensure a beta-1 board can be easily updated through to the final release.
Last edited by ElbertF on Mon Jun 19, 2006 6:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Waited for BETA, for nothing.
This really sucks, I bet it's going to be another long as wait for RC. I bet it'll only be released in like late July/August or something.
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Re: Waited for BETA, for nothing.
you never know until the time is upon
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Re: Waited for BETA, for nothing.
Late July/August would be pretty good actually.
I wouldnt use it on a live board unless you know what your doing.
A good way to tell if you know what your doing or not is if you can write the upgrade script yourself.
If you cant write the upgrade script yourself then keep it for testing only.
I wouldnt use it on a live board unless you know what your doing.
A good way to tell if you know what your doing or not is if you can write the upgrade script yourself.
If you cant write the upgrade script yourself then keep it for testing only.
Re: Waited for BETA, for nothing.
I'm sorry, but if this is a surprise to you, you really have been hearing only what you wanted to hear. It has been said time and time again that upgrade scripts will be provided with RC1, and might be provided earlier, but not as early as beta1. So in a way, I agree that all the excitement might be a bit over the top. What it is, though, is a significant step towards a final release. But realy only in symbolic terms.
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Re: Waited for BETA, for nothing.
Eelke he was talking about upgrading from Beta 1 to another Beta or RC. 
Re: Waited for BETA, for nothing.
Hmm... Well, although I did misread slightly, I don't really see how that makes things much different. No converters/update scripts means no converters/update scripts, right?
Re: Waited for BETA, for nothing.
The phpBB team does not and never has recommended the use of beta software for use as one's live forums.Richy wrote: Because I cant use phpBB3 on my forums until I know they going to provide upgrade scripts, its fricken stupid not too!
The purpose of the beta isn't for use in live environments, but rather for shaking out any remaining issues.
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Re: Waited for BETA, for nothing.
There really aren't a whole lot of examples of complex products that *do* provide beta-to-beta upgrades that I am aware of. It's fairly normal for betas to be a "blow away, then re-install" kinda deal.
I'm not really sure I'd want to inject beta software into any production environment. It's just borrowing trouble, and I have enough of that already.
I'm not really sure I'd want to inject beta software into any production environment. It's just borrowing trouble, and I have enough of that already.