You'd buy Celeron over AMD Athlon 64?!?! Has the world (or just you) gone mad?!?! 8O Only some dumbass would do that. (Not that I'm calling you one..hehe..smithy_dll wrote:I can think of several good reasons to buy a celeron over say another processor..Zach wrote: lol, dells suck. Intel Celeron processors suck. I'm serious, they are the worst kind of processors, it's almost funny.![]()
Excellent s/w!!
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Discussion of general topics related to the new release and its place in the world. Don't discuss new features, report bugs, ask for support, et cetera. Don't use this to spam for other boards or attack those boards!
Discussion of general topics related to the new release and its place in the world. Don't discuss new features, report bugs, ask for support, et cetera. Don't use this to spam for other boards or attack those boards!
Re: Excellent s/w!!
Re: Excellent s/w!!
Kids these days... Spoiled. My server is my dad's old computer. Works fine, no need for anything special..Zach wrote:You'd buy Celeron over AMD Athlon 64?!?! Has the world (or just you) gone mad?!?! 8O Only some dumbass would do that. (Not that I'm calling you one..hehe..smithy_dll wrote: I can think of several good reasons to buy a celeron over say another processor.)
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- Joined: Sun May 11, 2003 11:17 am
Re: Excellent s/w!!
For a basic, low-cost system for my grandfather to surf the web and handle e-mail? Absolutely. Not everyone needs a space heater..Zach wrote: You'd buy Celeron over AMD Athlon 64?!?! Has the world (or just you) gone mad?!?! 8O Only some dumbass would do that. (Not that I'm calling you one..hehe..)
You can never go home again... but I guess you can shop there.
Re: Excellent s/w!!
Last time I checked IE did not fully support PNGs, transparency is kind of non-existant.Highway of Life wrote: can you see through semi-transparant PNG's?
Oh and to the person who siad, if you don't run windows you must run a Mac, do you work for Yahoo by any chance? They informed me my non-wondows machine was a Mac, it isn't a Mac.
Anyone who only knows of Windows and Mac is clearly not very knowledgable when it comes to the internet.
Go visit netcraft.
According to netcraft," target="_blank isn't using Mac or Windows:
You will note when it comes to servers and the internet microsoft is losing. I can't find the OS stats, but they are certianly losing out in the httpd stats (all hail the might Apache) wrote:" target="_blank was running unknown on Linux when last queried at 17-Jun-2006 10:56:47 GMT
So for thoose of you who belive there are only 2 operating systems here are some more:
Unix, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD
I use Linux, mainly becuase it actually has developer tools on it,and doesn't hide the command line and has a usable shell. Plus its got GCC (standard C compiller), GNU Make (standard make system), a basic text editor that kicks notepads a$$, (gedit). and you don't need to run as an admin to do stuff. Infact I never login as an admin.
Re: Excellent s/w!!
z0mg n00b u53 vim!!11eleventyYoda_IRC wrote: text editor that kicks notepads a$$, (gedit).
And so forth
Re: Excellent s/w!!
I've used vim a few times, I prefer nano for quick editing in a terminal though. 
Not a fan of Emacs either, not found the time to learn all the controls yet.
And for some odd reason my copy of Linux has no Emacs! this is appalling, I ain't going to use Emacs but it should still be there, like all the other comands I never use.
Not a fan of Emacs either, not found the time to learn all the controls yet.
And for some odd reason my copy of Linux has no Emacs! this is appalling, I ain't going to use Emacs but it should still be there, like all the other comands I never use.
Re: Excellent s/w!!
well i like linux and unix but windows; bleh, i hate viruses, spyware, adware and all that crap that why im on a mac using MAC OS 10.4.6 but pc's are great for games, even though i dont like windows i think the person still needs to upgrade to XP and well with IE lets just say when pigs fly is when it follows internet standards
2 things i like about you hmm.. ill have to get back to you on that one
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- Posts: 687
- Joined: Sun May 11, 2003 11:17 am
Re: Excellent s/w!!
Those stats are easily skewed. IIS has made significant gains in the last few years, and had a particularly large jump just a few months ago. Microsoft hailed this, but didn't mention that it was because a major registrar switched its holding platform where parked domains hang out from Apache to IIS.Yoda_IRC wrote: You will note when it comes to servers and the internet microsoft is losing. I can't find the OS stats, but they are certianly losing out in the httpd stats (all hail the might Apache)
You can never go home again... but I guess you can shop there.
Re: Excellent s/w!!
Macs are still vunrable, its just people don't see the point in hitting them.itunes66 wrote: i hate viruses, spyware, adware and all that crap that why im on a mac
There where a couple of proof of concept viruses for Mac a while ago. Of course Apple reacted immediatly, they where denying it was a problem within a day,
Re: Excellent s/w!!
well as always apple releases a security update if needed and i do agree with you there has been mac viruses but all require user interaction like the Leopard.A trojan that was disguised as a picture and was supposed to be pictures of MAC OS 10.5 but instead a badly written trojan because it was written so badly that it was an input manager and so poorly written that any injected application failed to launch which was not supposed to happen
2 things i like about you hmm.. ill have to get back to you on that one