Discuss features as they are added to the new version. Give us your feedback. Don't post bug reports, feature requests, support questions or suggestions here.
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Discuss features as they are added to the new version. Give us your feedback. Don't post bug reports, feature requests, support questions or suggestions here. Feature requests are closed.
Cheater512 wrote:
Wait are you using the default phpBB one or my improved one?
I've already cracked the default phpBB one with 100% accuracy and submitted my script to the bug tracker.
Did I mention it cracks it in 0.024s on my P4 2.4ghz?
I'm using standard OCR software too. Nothing special.
I'm cracking your one. I've seen your script in the security tracker.
As for speed, 2.78 seconds. All PHP code with GD. 80% of the time taken is loading things. Then again, don't forget, as long as you can solve with a high degree of accuracy, you don't need to do it fast, you just need to do it.
phpBB release date pool! The NeoThermic.com... a well of information. Ask me for the bit bucket so you can drink its goodness. ||新熱です
Ah. I should probally have a go cracking mine once I've finished making a RSS script for Olympus.
At least we agree that its far too easy to crack the current one.
Ironically my script uses simple techniques I learned from reconstructing old photos.
code reader wrote:
1) by choosing a live project, which keeps on improving, you get a "free ride": whenever they add something to improve performance, functionality or security, your project can assimilate the advantage with very little effort.
And you have to your code in sync with third party code? That can be hard to do and it's inconvenient to say the least....
you sync when you decide to.
if the project had made a significant improvement in functionality, security, whatever, you choose when to copy this improvement into yours (ie, when to move to the next version).
it may not be easy, but rolling your own isnt necessarily easy either.
phpBB release date pool! The NeoThermic.com... a well of information. Ask me for the bit bucket so you can drink its goodness. ||新熱です
Cap'n Refsmmat wrote:
Then all you need is a bot that recognizes the text and knows the answer by knowing all of the possible questions.
What if the questions were definable per site?? And they had to be set during installation maybe?? Maybe a set of 5-10 random questions.. This would also negate the need for Translation of this info..
PS.. Why not use both a Captcha and a Question Set?