basic question - using EasyMod for mod updates

Wondering why that MOD you have won't install correctly? Let's take a look
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basic question - using EasyMod for mod updates

Post by juzz01 »

I had looked through most of the EasyMod documentation and discussion and I am sure that there is a simple answer, but can EasyMod install updates to Mods? I ask this as I know, based on the FAQ, that you cannot update the Attachment Mod with EasyMod, but can you update other mods this way? Specifically, I use the Invite Only Mod and installed it with EasyMod. If I want to update my version, is it simply the case of uploading the new version and running EasyMod?


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Re: basic question - using EasyMod for mod updates

Post by Nux »

If there is an update MOD that is EM friendly then there are usually less problems then with the MOD itself. But as I said - there have to be a special MOD for the purpose of updating only.

Attachment MOD doesn't work probably because the author of that MOD is not convinced with the idea of EM.

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Re: basic question - using EasyMod for mod updates

Post by juzz01 »

So, just to clarify, if the Mod is updated with a later version, but isn't an update mod (ie one that is written purely to update ~ such as the 2.0.18 to 2.0.19 mod) then EasyMod doesn't handle it and I should use the older traditional way of overwriting, etc for updating?

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Re: basic question - using EasyMod for mod updates

Post by Nux »

If you don't have any update instructions and can't make them for EM on your own and the author of the MOD refuses to do that, then I would suggest to try to uninstall a MOD and install a new version. This however isn't very easy...

Uninstallation instruction for MODs may be found here:" target="_blank

Be very careful on uninstalling SQL changes - e.g. some birthday MOD might add a field like birthdate. If you would drop that field then you would delete all the data that your users provided. So when you just want to update a MOD you just have to compare the SQL queries done in the installed version and in the current version of the MOD. But be aware of what you are doing! This might not be so straight forward!

In the end the best thing to do is to contact the author of that MOD you are trying to upgrade and ask for an advice.

Good luck :).
