My opinion

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Re: My opinion

Post by CoreIssue »

Martin Blank wrote: I've grown used to questions being repeated over the course of days, and substantially identical answers being posted, and these threads were started well apart from each other. Copy/pasted answers, posted within a few minutes of each other, are a bit excessive.
So if you are use to it why get in a snit over it? ;)

By the way. As an discussion board admin I see it a ton of it as all such admin do. As probably includes you.

I either point them to the original ongoing topic and have them repost there, split and merge into it or so on.

But here you have 3 topics so that means 3 replies since it is obvious not all are checking other topics and the point is valid to all 3 topics. Why, because the others are not going to read the point, are they?

Check the dates.

One is an old topic for sure with the last reply on July 17th. One started July 17th with a reply the 23rd. And one started yesterday. So even right now all would without my responses be in the top 7 topics on the index.

Which just proves my point. Some are posting without looking. Or totally missing the other topics to start with. Clear topic titles are so nice.

My post was the only point I was making. Fine if such is included with an on/off switch or available as a mod. Just not are hardcoded take it or leave it.

Yeessh! I have seen the same questions posted on the same topic within 3 posts of each other and missed. You know what I mean.

Or hijacked topics like AJAX accidentally getting interjected into another topic and replied to because the replier didn't not what the topic was.

I feel 3 posts saying the same thing in 3 different topics are legit due to experience. You do not.

Life goes on. Let us agree to disagree and move on. :mrgreen:

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