New Karma System (Theory)

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Re: New Karma System (Theory)

Post by brightbeat451 »

who_cares wrote: it will probably be released under karma but you are welcome to change the word in one of the lang files
Thanx, for the advice.

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Re: New Karma System (Theory)

Post by brightbeat451 »

who_cares wrote:
brightbeat451 wrote: Could you please guys change the name of the feature "karma" to another one? I'm chrisitan, i dont believe in, i mean real, karma, therefore i don't like the way you called the feature.
It's a word. I think most people can handle the word karama on a web site (most of us don't have emotional relationships with our internet connection, we just use it to get online)

What word did you have in mind?
I dont currently have one.

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Re: New Karma System (Theory)

Post by who_cares »

Kursak wrote: Karma is basically a Hindu religious concept,
I think it's actually Buddhist

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Re: New Karma System (Theory)

Post by dhn »

who_cares wrote:
Kursak wrote: Karma is basically a Hindu religious concept,
I think it's actually Buddhist
It's amazing what 10 seconds of research can give you in our age:" target="_blank
Karma (Sanskrit: कर्म from the root kri, "to do", meaning deed) or Kamma (Pali: meaning action, effect, destiny) is a term in several Indian religions that comprises the entire cycle of cause and effect. Karma is a sum of all that an individual has done and is currently doing. The effects of those deeds actively create present and future experiences, thus making one responsible for one's own life. In religions that incorporate reincarnation, karma extends through one's present life and all past and future lives as well.

The law of Karma is central in Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, & Jainism. (These religions were formed in India). All living creatures are responsible for their karma and for their salvation (or release from samsara). As a term, it can be traced back to the early Upanishads.

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Re: New Karma System (Theory)

Post by smithy_dll »

brightbeat451 wrote: Could you please guys change the name of the feature "karma" to another one? I'm chrisitan, i dont believe in, i mean real, karma, therefore i don't like the way you called the feature.

Grow up. Being christian doesn't change anything. Actually being christian means that we should be tollerant. It is the escallation of your kind of attitude which is responsible for Jehad's, the crusades, and many other 'holy wars'. There is nothing holy about war. In order to be able to live together in peace, we have to be accepting and tollerant, the major message in most major religions, which is often forgotton.

To give a bit of perspective, Avatar is also a Hindu word. I bet you didn't even know that.
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Re: New Karma System (Theory)

Post by who_cares »

Davidls wrote: To give a bit of perspective, Avatar is also a Hindu word. I bet you didn't even know that.
Yeah, got that one in history a few says afo...
why was the word avatar chosen for forums anyway? A picture next to a post doesn't seem like a divine manifestation to me

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Re: New Karma System (Theory)

Post by dhn »

who_cares wrote: why was the word avatar chosen for forums anyway? A picture next to a post doesn't seem like a divine manifestation to me
It's a metaphor, nothing more, nothing less. And it didn't start with forums, I suggest you read up on it. ;)

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Re: New Karma System (Theory)

Post by MKruer »

Wow, man, I must have been blind. Anyway I have caught up on the discussion since my last post on page seven, and would like to make a few comments

@ APTX (pg 8) Re: Data handling.
Data handling has probably been the largest constraint, not the logic. One of the ideas with the data handling would be create a simple weighted generated value for all the older posts. So instead of having to deal with a near infinite matrix, it would be limits to the last 50 posts are so.

@ Daichi (pg 9) Re: One size fits all.
This has also been a problem, and you are right that no “one size fits all” however the ultimate goal is for once size to fit >90%, and for those <10% should be able to turn it off.

@ arod-1 (pg 9) Re: System should not be made part of the default system.
I agree, and take it a sep further that it should keep its own db files and require its own includes for the forums pages. That being said, phpbb3 has solved 99% of this, and there should be little editing to the original source php files if any.

@ Kursak (pg10) Re: Keep Karma part of the core.
I also agree with this idea too. But I tend to think of it more like the latest version of Gallery 2.0. The Default installation has many “core” modules that cane be added or removed. And again, if I am reading phpbb v3 correctly this is a non issues.

That said, I think we have found a reasonable attempt, outlined back on page seven. I think all that were waiting for was for an stable beta to begin our attempt.

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Re: New Karma System (Theory)

Post by APTX »

I've just re-read my own post and I don't see a relation to your comment as (I think) that minimalizing the amount of data was the main idea there.
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Re: New Karma System (Theory)

Post by MKruer »

Sorry about that APTX, :oops: I read though all the posts first and then went back and picked a few highlights, and only remembered your first line. It was a long long day, that day for me.


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