***Read this if your EasyMOD table is not being created***

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***Read this if your EasyMOD table is not being created***

Post by GPHemsley »

If anyone has any problems with the EasyMOD table not being created, and are getting the following error, please follow the directions below.
Error Message wrote: Result :: Some queries failed, the statements and errors are listing below

Error :: Invalid default value for 'mod_id'
SQL :: CREATE TABLE phpbb_easymod ( mod_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' auto_increment, mod_title varchar(50) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_file varchar(255) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_version varchar(15) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_author_handle varchar(25) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_author_email varchar(100) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_author_name varchar(100) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_author_url varchar(100) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_description text NULL DEFAULT '', mod_process_date int(11) NULL DEFAULT '0', mod_phpBB_version varchar(15) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_processed_themes varchar(200) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_processed_langs varchar(200) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_files_edited mediumint(8) NULL DEFAULT '0', mod_tables_added mediumint(8) NULL DEFAULT '0', mod_tables_altered mediumint(8) NULL DEFAULT '0', mod_rows_inserted mediumint(8) NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (mod_id))

This is probably nothing to worry about, install will continue. Should this fail to complete you may need to seek help at our development board.



easymod_install.php, Line 982 wrote:

Code: Select all

				mod_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' auto_increment,

easymod_install.php, Line 982 wrote:

Code: Select all

				mod_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL auto_increment,
Please do not post any more topics related to this error. Thank you.

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Re: ***Read this if your EasyMOD table is not being created*

Post by kooky »


your are partially right, but something could be wrong.

Code: Select all

mod_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL auto_increment,
should be

Code: Select all

mod_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,
Because the type INTEGER uses values between ~ - and +
UNSIGNED will start from 0 (zero) to + :)
Test signature wihout U

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Re: ***Read this if your EasyMOD table is not being created*

Post by GPHemsley »

That's true, but I don't think any other phpBB tables do that, so I don't know. That's a lot of MODs!

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Re: ***Read this if your EasyMOD table is not being created*

Post by Alkah »

sorry but this is what i have under line 982

Code: Select all

echo '<form method="post" name="lang" action="easymod_install.' . $phpEx . "\">\n" 

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Re: ***Read this if your EasyMOD table is not being created*

Post by GPHemsley »

Alkah wrote: sorry but this is what i have under line 982

Code: Select all

echo '<form method="post" name="lang" action="easymod_install.' . $phpEx . "\">\n" 
Are you sure you have the latest version of EasyMOD, are looking at the right file, and have the line numbers correct? If so, I don't know why the line number wouldn't match, but scroll up or down to find the correct line.
