I find it amazing that a _very_ large majority of the world would vote for Kerry (well, would not vote on Bush would be a better description) but that more than half of the americans would vote for Bush. Just plain weird.
But I can understand it a little bit. 99% of the media focusses on internal affairs, the average american has no clue what happens outside their own country except when it directly affects the US. It's also pretty typical to see that most Kerry voters are located along the coasts where more people daily have to deal with international (businness) relationships/trade and where most educated people live. If I would live in the middle of the US then it wouldn't be that weird that I would think that the US was the center of the universe
For me there is just too big a difference between my world and 'yours' to fully understand you. I would break out in hilariouw laughter if our president would say someting like "There are no limits to the greatness of our nation". If he would say that I would really start questioning his mental health or I would start looking around to figure out if I was just teleported to some china or something where the leaders try to motivate the 'minions' to work harder and to feel proud that they are allowed to work their asses of for 'their great nation'.
Oh well. Bush has been re-elected. The one positive thing in that is that it might create some more unity in the EU (because of 'us vs them' sentiment) but I don't know if that's the right direction to take :\ Oh, and Bush gets to clean up his own mess, that will be interesting