As you're developing a major new release of phpbb and so many professional content management systems (CMS) lack of a very sophisticated forum, it's definitely time to ease the integration of phpbb into these CMS.
What does integration mean?
- phpbb uses the authentication (user & groups) and session management of the CMS
- the phpbb search is integrated into the CMS search engine (provide an interface)
People are trying to copy phpbb for *nuke, xaraya, typo3, ... but there would not be the need to change so much code if phpbb provided the means to ease an integration.
I found the following in the phpBB 2.2 feature list:
How exactly will these features ease the integration into a CMS?Permissions Engine
# OOP based auth permission system
# Simple API for setting and obtaining permissions
# Caching of user permissions
# Ability to add new permission options through simple INSERT (API provided)
# Yes, Unset, No based system, No takes precedent when set
# Greater flexibility than 2.0
# Plug-in authentication modules
# Standard are; DB, LDAP and Apache
# Plug-in structure allows addition of plug-in specific options
Perhaps you should take a look at G2 (gallery 2, sourceforge), they're developing a stand alone application which will integrate into existing portals/CMS/forums quite easy.
cheers - Andy
ps: dublicate post as someone in thought this would be the right place.