I may be mistaken, but I think it's possible. The basic idea of a quantum computer is that instead of having a mere 0 or 1 result you can in fact have both simultaneously, hence their application in (de)cryptography as they can work out the prime factors of huge numbers in a fraction of the time a standard computer can (or somethingimeyer wrote:In theory, isn't that impossible, because you're still observing, even if it is on the quantum level.Klors wrote:Hence the need for a quantum computer to observe both outcomes at the same time so that the observation of the event doesn't alter the outcome.
But I may be wrong, I'm stuck in a holographic universe.
3 fix_need found
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Discussion of general topics related to the new release and its place in the world. Don't discuss new features, report bugs, ask for support, et cetera. Don't use this to spam for other boards or attack those boards!
Re: 3 fix_need found
Re: 3 fix_need found
I blame it all on the implicate. I don't know anything though.Klors wrote:By jove! I do believe you've solved the eternal question of Schroedinger's cat paradox. I take it that you are postulating that the initial paradox question was in fact malformed and that we should re-pose the question as...
and in so doing find that the cat is neither alive nor dead, but that it is in fact a "Parse error: parse error in /home/klors/www/schroedinger.php on line 5".Code: Select all
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL); define('BUG', 'Not found'); if (BUG = 'found') { echo $bug; } else { echo $bug; } ?>
So I would then presume that you are hinting to us that it is in fact the universe that is mutable and not the cat. That the cat is a constant and we should redefine our view of the universe to include the cat in its non-variable form of mere existance rather than viewing it as an alive/dead variable.
Very interesting.