Discussion of general topics related to the new version and its place in the world. Don't discuss new features, report bugs, ask for support, et cetera. Don't use this to spam for other boards or attack those boards!
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Discussion of general topics related to the new release and its place in the world. Don't discuss new features, report bugs, ask for support, et cetera. Don't use this to spam for other boards or attack those boards!
I think a nice Pop-up warning message should come up when you click the download link...
Also... include... "Click No to download the file" in the middle... hehehe! They have to read then! (Click Yes and your prevented from ever downloading a CVS!)
"WARNING: By clicking YES below you agree to the terms of CVS usage. Violations of these terms will result in a £500 penalty (ot the equivalent in your local currency). Do you agree to be bound by these terms?"
Anyways, I like that idea, making the agreement but say something in the middle of it that by clicking 'no' means you accept the agreement and can download lol. It still *beep* me off that I can't figure out how to install it lol. Ill mess with it tonight and see.
Imagine you are developing a script or program - it doesn't matter what you're developing, just imagine you are.
Imagine you have a friend who is interested in seeing what you're doing. So you tell him, "Come on over whenever you want and copy my development code to CD and have a play, since you're interested."
Imagine your friend telling you every time he gets a new copy that this is broken, that is broken, and you really should have done something in some other way than you did.
Imagine that you finally you tell your friend, "Look, this is in development. It's not finished. Why on earth do you act as though it ought to be finished? Why do seem to assume that because I let you come and copy my work as often as you want that it ought to be ready for you to copy?"
We don't need [more] agreements, in my opinion. We as a community need to think a little more clearly that the privilege to use CVS is really the privilege of looking at something in the making. Nothing more, and nothing less.
If we ask for a snitch of the cookie dough before the cookies are baked, we don't scold the cook for making doughy cookies, do we?
I have an idea to keep down the number of bug reports and support requests like this. When you try to download a CVS snapshot, you have to pass a little 10-question test with obvious answers (like "What is the name of this solar system's star?") in multiple choice. But in that little test, have one question randomly inserted saying "What did the CVS agreement say about asking for support?"
metest12 wrote:I have an idea to keep down the number of bug reports and support requests like this. When you try to download a CVS snapshot, you have to pass a little 10-question test with obvious answers (like "What is the name of this solar system's star?") in multiple choice. But in that little test, have one question randomly inserted saying "What did the CVS agreement say about asking for support?"