EasyMOD is an automatic MOD installer. It does in seconds what used to be the laborious and time consuming task of manually editing files. EM will install EasyMOD Compliant (EMC) MODs and also *try* to install all other MODs as well. For most users, MOD installs should be completely automated. There are break points so you can check what EM proposes to do before it makes any permanant changes.
Author's Notes:
Everyone should install this release as it provides sophisticated protection of FTP information and also provides a nifty preview mode. Quite a bit has been done to aide the user with installing the program. An alternate FTP method using the PHP FTP Extension has been added and the odd server config problem has been addressed. Therefore even more people should be able to use EM for completely automated installations.
EM is not yet feature complete. Most noteably it is missing SQL processing and an uninstaller. However, the features it does have are fairly mature and battle tested. This is the 9th public release so feel free to install but remember it is not yet as good as its going to get
Initial efforts have already been taken to document how best to write MODs for EM (EasyMOD Compliant). A key to success will be getting MOD Authors to write their MODs so they don't clash with other MOD installations. My goal is to present a clear, reasonable, and unintrusive as possible method.
Lastly, thank you to everyone that has pitched in, whether it be translations, graphics, or hard core testing. Thanks!
Download EM:
(from the attachment at the bottom of this page)
New installs:
- Extract in your admin directory. The proper directory heirachy should be admin/mods/easymod and it should be setup like this...
- From a web browser, open http://{YOUR BOARD ADDRESS}/admin/mods/easymod/easymod_install.php and the install will guide you through everything. No modifications occur before warning you.
- If you are using FTP access make sure you, as the owner, have write permission on ALL your phpBB files (744)
- Once installed, you may wish to install the Country Flags MOD which is the only "official" EMC MOD. It is also attached at the end of this post.
It is advised that you remove any previous admin/mods/easymod directories. Once they are out of the way, just follow the install instructions above. EM will figure everything else out
- Choose from some fully automated installation methods and some manual methods as well. You decide what's best for you!
- the modifed files generated can be:
- written directly to server (requires write access in the "mods" dir)
- written to a buffer and FTP'd into place (requires FTP access)
- written to a tmp file and FTP'd into place (requires PHP FTP extension)
- downloaded to your local machine
- written on screen in a seperate browser window (requires you to be sadistic
- If you are satisifed with the modifications, the files can then be moved into place
- by the copy command (fully automated: requires write access to ALL dirs from phpBB root downward)
- FTP'd into place (fully automated: requires FTP access)
- by default, FTP is done using fsockopen
- alternately, using the PHP FTP Extension provides a second option
- execute a script (fully automated: requires permission to run scripts)
- manually loaded (requires your time
- MD5 hashing and blowfish encryption to protect sensitive data
- Preview Mode allows viewing how proposed changes will look in a file
- robust installer
- the program is ready to accept translations for multiple languages
- support for ALL MOD Template functions (COPY command needs some work)
- install MODs to all installed themes
- install MODs to all installed languages
- automatically backups up files before modifying (you should still make your own backups though!)
- continued processing if non-English or non-subSilver file fails - you decide if you want to continue or not
- password protected - even admins cannot access EM unless the board owner gives them the password
- object oriented programming - classes could be used in other programs
- install EMC MODs
- *try* to install non-EMC MODs
- settings ACP
- installed MODs history ACP
- view MOD script from the install screen (click link)
- security-conscious every step of the way
- MOD script line numbers appear where ever they will be helpful
- convinient install debugger
- I'm sure there are more but I don't feel like thinking about it anymore
EM is going international
--I really need to apologize to the folks that have submitted translations. I will set up an area where you can automatically upload translations and not have to depend on me
Language version changes
The language change log can be found here
Change Log:
The complete change log can be found here
EDIT: I removed the download for 0.0.11 which was downloaded 341 times (in 3 days
EDIT2: I removed 11a which had been downloaded 355 times in 3 days