Is there support for languages other than English in 2.2 yet, or is this still being worked on? In the admin CP, the only one available is English, but I'd like to test it in Chinese if that's possible (Big5, I think).
Also, how does it handle users typing in chinese? Can it take chinese input even when the board's language is set to English?
Language support in 2.2
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Language support in 2.2
Sean Robertson" target="_blank
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Re: Language support in 2.2
Woah! I wouldnt believe there would be different language support already. phpBB2.2 is still not complete.
- mansuetus
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Re: Language support in 2.2
I would be glad to do the french support, but as english is still not over... (I read the F.A.Q to get about Karma... and I could, imho, it was unchanged from 2.0.6) I will wait for the pre-realease-date.
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Re: Language support in 2.2
Will chinese text in posts still work even without a chinese language pack? That's what we really need.
Sean Robertson" target="_blank
They can't stop us from helping each other!" target="_blank" target="_blank
They can't stop us from helping each other!" target="_blank