EasyMod critical error on OPEN statement

Wondering why that MOD you have won't install correctly? Let's take a look
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EasyMod critical error on OPEN statement

Post by MrStormyNights »

Critical Error

Write method not recognized.
MOD script line #107

Here is code lines 97 - 122

Code: Select all

#-----[ SQL ]------------------------------------------------- 
# If you use an alpha release of EasyMOD, this instructions will not be executed!
# Please read author notes to update your database.
copy gender_db_update.php to gender_db_update.php
execute gender_db_update.php
delete gender_db_update.php

#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------------ 

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------------ 
$interests = ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['interests']) )

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------ 

// Start add - Gender MOD
$gender = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['gender']) ) ? intval ($HTTP_POST_VARS['gender']) : 0;
// End add - Gender MOD
Only thing I did was manually update the tellow Card mod from 1.4.2 to 1.4.4

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Re: EasyMod critical error on OPEN statement

Post by A_Jelly_Doughnut »

MrStormyNights wrote: #-----[ SQL ]-------------------------------------------------
# If you use an alpha release of EasyMOD, this instructions will not be executed!
# Please read author notes to update your database.

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Re: EasyMod critical error on OPEN statement

Post by GPHemsley »

@Jelly: Nah, that's not the problem.

@MrStormyNights: Please read how to report an error correctly. :cool:

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Re: EasyMod critical error on OPEN statement

Post by A_Jelly_Doughnut »

The line that fails is #. I figured EM's parser works the same way as PHP's?

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Re: EasyMod critical error on OPEN statement

Post by GPHemsley »

If I counted correctly, it fails at

Code: Select all

#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------------

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Re: EasyMod critical error on OPEN statement

Post by MrStormyNights »

You counted correctly, it fails at the open line, hence the subject of the original post. I am trying to install the gender mod by niels, he has updated it to work with EM according to him anyway. I have the same issue with his birthday mod also, I havent tried anything else.

I have 34 mods installed by easymod, but I edited them all and took out tempalte modifications and did them by hand, due to it not likeing templates other than subSilver, it kept screwing up and truncating the tpl files.

I aslo updated niels yellow card mod from version 1.4.2 to 1.4.4. Not sure where the problem lies but I can no longer use easymod becuase it will not get past the first open command.

Truthfully, after looking at some of the results, I can do a better job by hand, and I know its probably not easymods fault, it is poor scripts that it is running, I love the ease of install, but I feel safer doing it the old fashioned way just due to the problems I have had and the results I have gotten when using it.

And I did read the how to report a problem post, it said to reply to that post and that post is locked, soi its kinda hard to reply, unless i missed something when reading it, which very well could be the case.

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Re: EasyMod critical error on OPEN statement

Post by MrStormyNights »

um, I realy hate the time restictions on editing posts, you have like 2 minutes, it just crazy!, well anyway,

Here is a link to the mod I was trying to install, but it doesnt really matter, I get that on at least one other mod, I dont think the mod has anything to do with it.


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Re: EasyMod critical error on OPEN statement

Post by GPHemsley »

Your EasyMOD settings are probably not the correct ones for your server.
