mods that work

Want to share what MODs you've gotten to work with EM? Happy about all the time your're saving? Want to say "thanks"? Here's the place.
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mods that work

Post by kimcheeking »

Birthday Mod
zodiac add on
chinese zodiac add on
global announcement

these are all from" target="_blank where the man in charge is currently working on making all of his mods EM compatible.

I installed these on a phpbb2.0.6 board

I like the new look of the forums, can't wait until it is released (when is that?)

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Re: mods that work

Post by GPHemsley »

kimcheeking wrote:(when is that?)
Ah, the burning question... look at my sig for the best estimate. ;)

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Re: mods that work

Post by Nuttzy99 »

The problem is that *most* MODs will work on a virgin board. The problem is that Authors aren't writing their MODs to be concerned about previous and future MOD installations. This is bound to lead to clashes so its hard to keep a list like this right now. I really need to publish the EMC standards so Authors will know how to prevent this. I'm working on them now ;)

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Re: mods that work

Post by msmith7735 »

kimcheeking wrote: Birthday Mod
I don't know about you, but my install died a very painful death.

(EDIT) I will note that I did get the Country Flags mod to install with little difficulty.

Anyone know of a birthday mod that *will* work?
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Re: mods that work

Post by Niels Chr. Denmark »

the birthday mod (by me) does work with EM, but it is currently not posible to install both last visit and birthday mod with EM (if you have done so) - the last installed mod will fail.
also meny of my mods are only tested with a phpBB2 ver 2.0.6., previous versions are no longer suported.

the reasoon why both mods can't be instaled using EM, is that both are trying to increase a value in index.php
from 2 -> 3

as you see, only way to do this at pressent is to FIND "2" and REPLACE WITH "3"
witch makes the last mod to fail, as it can't FIND a "2"
I have been told that a work around, witch should solve this will be ready at some time

if the birthday mod fail due to other reasoons at your site, then please report witch FIND / REPLACE / AFTER, ADD / BEFORE, ADD did not work (EM should report so)

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Re: mods that work

Post by GPHemsley »

Don't worry, INCREMENT is coming. ;)

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Re: mods that work

Post by Ptirhiik »

> Niels : did you try to use a <table> in the <table> for the new rows rather than incrementing the rowspan value ? ;)

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Re: mods that work

Post by H-a-V-o-C »

Mini Profile also works with EM. And so does avatar on register. However you have to go into the file and add a comma (,).


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Re: mods that work

Post by AlleyKat »

H-a-V-o-C wrote:(...)Find

// That's all Folks!

(change) to

// That's all, Folks!
8O OMG I've seen this float past me several times in the discussion - that's pretty important actually! A bunch of language files contains the OLD form, without the comma (even the ones I submitted a few weeks back - maybe that's why it hasn't been posted)... not to mention the MODs...

*scramble to correct files*

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Re: mods that work

Post by msmith7735 »

Niels Chr. Denmark wrote: if the birthday mod fail due to other reasoons at your site, then please report witch FIND / REPLACE / AFTER, ADD / BEFORE, ADD did not work (EM should report so)
MikeSmith wrote: Critical Error

IN-LINE FIND FAILED: In file [viewtopic.php] could not find:

, u.user_allowsmile

MOD script line #286
The u.user_allowsmile *was* in there, FYI.
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