FAQ - read before asking!!!!

Wondering why that MOD you have won't install correctly? Let's take a look
Forum rules
DO NOT give out any FTP passwords to anyone! There is no reason to do so! If you need help badly enough, create a temporary FTP account that is restricted to only the files that you need help with and give the information for that. Giving out FTP information can be very dangerous!
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FAQ - read before asking!!!!

Post by Nuttzy99 »

Add Ons
A few users have been kind enough to make some add on's for EM.
  • ViewInfo by Jaeboy - allows you to see the info EM stores in the config table. Useful if you forget your EM password ;) - this is now obsolete, don't use!
  • EasyMOD Addon by JuniorZ - uses the EM backups files to attempt to uninstall MODs
  • Version Changer by GPHemsley - if for some reason you need to reinstall the same version of EM, this proggie will let you change the EM version in the config table
Thanks guys!

MOD installation FAQ

MOD installations:
  • Be sure to read the topic on how to install a MOD!
  • My EM password doesn't work, or I can't remember it.

    This is now obsolete, don't use! See the post below!!
    Some people forget to set the password at install time, so the password is actually nothing. Just try clicking submit with no password entered. If that fails, then I suggest you install ViewInfo by Jaeboy, which allow you to see what was entered.
  • EM says it cannot FIND a line in a file.

    Most likely this is not EM's problem. The reason is either going to be one of the following:
    • a previous MOD installation modified the line so it can't be found
    • the warning appears on a non-subSilver template file b/c most likely that template is too different from subSilver
    • the MOD script tries to FIND the same line twice (a no-no)
    • the MOD script is not going in order as the lines appear in the file
    • the MOD script simply does not have the correct line to find
  • After installing the Country Flags MOD, I get erros on my board like this:

    Code: Select all

    SQL Error : 1146 Table 'jipyipy_sgforum.phpbb_flags' doesn't exist 
    SELECT * FROM phpbb_flags ORDER BY flag_id
    What do I do?

    For the love of God, how many times do I have to tell people that EM does not currently do SQL processing yet and that you will have to update your DB manually!?!?! If I could I would make my hand come of your monitor and give you a big dope slap on the forehead!! :lol: If you need help updating your DB, then this Tutorial on using phpMyAdmin could be helpful.
-Nuttzy 8)
Last edited by Nuttzy99 on Thu Aug 28, 2003 4:21 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: FAQ - read before asking!!!!

Post by Nuttzy99 »

I've only checked it over quickly, but GP has a few tips that may help folks:

1) Upload all files and folders for the MOD into the admin/mods/ folder.
2) All MODs should have their own folder and the folder name must not contain any spaces.
3) Visit the forum where the MOD(s) are to be installed, log in as an Administrator, and enter the Administration Panel.
4) Click on "Install MODs" under the "MOD Center" header in the left-hand-side panel.
5) Enter the password for EasyMOD that you first set at installation (or on the "EasyMOD Settings" page).
6) Find the MOD in the list of MODs and click the "Process" button to the right of it.
7) Confirm that EasyMOD has detected and correctly interpreted all steps in the MOD and then click the "Next Step" button.
8 ) Realize that EasyMOD does not currently execute any SQL and then click the "Complete Installation" button.
9) Check to make sure that the MOD installed correctly.


I get a "INVALID PASSWORD SUPPLIED" error when trying to enter the install page.
You have entered a password other than the one set for entrance to EasyMOD or you have not entered a password at all. Try entering a different password.

I get an "All MODs have been processed" message instead of a list of MODs on the "Install MODs" page.
Either there are no MODs in the admin/mods/ folder that have not been processed or one or more MODs have incorrect headers. Make sure the headers look like one of the following:

Code: Select all

## MOD Title: name_of_MOD
## MOD Author: phpBB.com_nick < e-mail_address > (Real Name) 
## MOD Description: description_of_MOD
## MOD Version: x.x.x

Code: Select all

## MOD Title: name_of_MOD
## MOD Author: phpBB.com_nick < e-mail_address > (Real Name) http://MOD.author's.website/" target="_blank
## MOD Description: description_of_MOD
## MOD Version: x.x.x
I get a "Critical Error" message on the first page of installing a MOD.
Usually critical errors occur when FINDs or COPYs cannot be completed. Make sure the code being looked for exists in the file it is being looked for in or that the file to be copied exists in the folder that it is said to be in.

I get a "Warning" message on the first page of installing a MOD.
This is just informing you that EasyMOD cannot find the specified lines of code in languages other than English or styles other than subSilver. You can then choose to continue with or halt installation of that MOD.

I get SQL Disabled messages on the second page of installation.
This is normal for alpha versions of EasyMOD. This is just to make you aware that you have to execute all SQL queries by hand.

I get COPY errors on the third page of installation.
There may be spaces in the name of the folder that contains the MOD. This will confuse EasyMOD. Eliminate any spaces in the foldername and try installing again. If there aren't any spaces, please report your error here.

The MOD does not operate as planned.
EasyMOD is not made to determine whether the MOD will do what you want. Just continue looking for the MOD that you want. Do NOT post here about it.

There are errors in pages outside of the EasyMOD pages in the Admin Panel (i.e. Parse errors, unexpected characters, etc.).
This is probably not an error on EasyMOD's part. Please contact the MOD Author in whichever way he/she prefers. If the MOD normally functions correctly with the version you tried to install, please report your error here.
-Nuttzy :cool:
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Re: FAQ - read before asking!!!!

Post by Nuttzy99 »

Forgot your EM Password?

Starting with 0.0.11, your EM password is now MD5 encrypted and therefore cannot as easily be modified in the database. But the real problem is that since the EM password is now used as the key to encrypt the FTP password, we must reencrypt the FTP password any time the EM password changes. Fortunately I included a little proggie to solve this ;) Here's what to do:
  1. Copy the admin/mods/easymod/includes/empw.php.txt file to your admin directory.
  2. drop the .txt on the end of it so the filename is simply empw.php
  3. Open this file from your browser and set your password. You will need to enter your FTP password if you use FTP with EM.
  4. After updating, it is very important to delete empw.php, or rename it so it no longer ends in .php. Otherwise someone else could run the program and mess with your settings.
-Nuttzy :cool:
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