2.2 Ultimate BB/Forum?

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2.2 Ultimate BB/Forum?

Post by Jebs »

Ok so I have not seen or used all the forums ever made, but the features you guys have seem very promising.

My question is to everyone, is phpBB2.2 going to be the ultimate BB/Forum?

I mean the features I have read and seen are pretty amazing and I am giddy with anticipation of it's release.

*bows down to phpBB and thanks them for all their hard work*

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Re: 2.2 Ultimate BB/Forum?

Post by Techie-Micheal »

It already is. :D

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Re: 2.2 Ultimate BB/Forum?

Post by R45 »

It being the ultimate BB is subject to opinion. Of course, most people who hang around here would be in line with Michael's opinion. ;)

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Re: 2.2 Ultimate BB/Forum?

Post by Aelfinn »

This forum does look like it will be the ultimate forum software.

For the next version, 2.3, they'll have to add a link to list replies to a specific post and a link to the post replied to.....then it will be the uberultimate board. :P

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Re: 2.2 Ultimate BB/Forum?

Post by Roberdin »

Do u mean that it will automatically detect when a URL is for a post at the same forum and modify it (link target, session ID, etc) to copnform with the user's setup? That's the most annoying thing about phpBB.

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Re: 2.2 Ultimate BB/Forum?

Post by R45 »

/me remembers Bart doing a MOD for that.

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Re: 2.2 Ultimate BB/Forum?

Post by liquid_eagle »

well, IMO phpBB is the best BB :-) . vb is nowhere near as good, and you've got to pay for it.

one of the best parts of phpBB is that it's open-source!
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Re: 2.2 Ultimate BB/Forum?

Post by Virtuality »

Yeah, its the Ultimate.
I have quite a experience of different forums, but this rules all out.

What I am afraid of is that it is getting so good, that they will have to put up a fee on it sooner or later :cry:
I mean, so much time spent on this without getting any money at all!!

It is already fantastic that it doesnt cost, I would never do like they do lol.

But I adore the pbpBB team for what they do.

Lets be happy so long it is free :D

But if it will cost money in the future, I would not hesitate to pay for it.
Well depending on how much it is of course but, I would pay up to 20 dollars, maby more.

What do you say?
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Re: 2.2 Ultimate BB/Forum?

Post by Roberdin »

Not everything is based in money, you know. :wink:

If they started charging, then before long someone would upload a free 'warrez' version of it, they would lose their reputation, and the phpBB Mod Culture would evaporate.

Besides, Linux has been around for a while and that's free (although you can pay for a manual and CD), and php, MySQL, and Apache Webserver are all free, yet everyone who uses phpBB uses at least php.

I think that if phpBB started charging for their software, it would only to be large cooperations, anyway.

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Re: 2.2 Ultimate BB/Forum?

Post by Virtuality »

Yeah I guess your right, I am just so afraid that it will
be a charge on it lol
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