Since your global announcement has defeated me...

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Since your global announcement has defeated me...

Post by haravikk »

For some reason I can't reply to your global announcement, it says the topic doesn't exist (it looks like it exists to me...).

So I'll reply here.

If Anouncements and Global Anouncements are both going to be displayed in the "Anouncements" bit up the top then I think Global Anouncements should have their own little icon. Or if you don't want to then it should be a different colour from normal Anouncements (e.g - red) and have the prefix [Global]
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Re: Since your global announcement has defeated me...

Post by haravikk »

ARGH! Can't edit my post to add another Global Anouncement related item.

How are permissions set for Global Anouncements? Will they have their own entry somewhere for who can post, reply, poll, vote etc in regards to a Global Anouncements?
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Re: Since your global announcement has defeated me...

Post by chAos »

My guess is that there'll be an extra permission added called "Can Post Global Announcements: yes/no/ignore"

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Re: Since your global announcement has defeated me...

Post by Kuma »

I hate the prefixes for polls, or announcements.

I think they should just have a different table for themselves.


Global Announcements
Topic A
Topic B
Topic A
Topic B
Topic A
Topic B

Only different, the GA's table will display in every single forum.

Would work so much better :)

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Re: Since your global announcement has defeated me...

Post by TheMole »

Except it would look far too cluttered at the top!

But then again I'm a person that hates having more than 2 announcements at the top of my forums :p
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Re: Since your global announcement has defeated me...

Post by TheMole »

Possibly like the Global Announcement MOD for 2.0.x... That seems to make sense.
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Re: Since your global announcement has defeated me...

Post by Kuma »


Merge to base table [no additional row for GA]
Separate from base table [the additional row for GA]

It gives users the right to choose what they want to see and HOW they want to see it.

That's what I would love to see [And saw already on my current CVS running board] that the admin panel is far more advanced than the previous releases, meaning, you can just do way too much there, and I simply love it.

I like how the viewforum looks, with the separation table for announcements, one more won't annoy me, but that's me, and If not implemented, I'll code it for my board once the final version is released, cause I like it.

It at depends on what the admin want, and later on, what your users want to see on the board and how. Then you start modifying as needed.

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Re: Since your global announcement has defeated me...

Post by haravikk »

Well, the way that announcements are seperated at the moment is actually nice and compact. An extra one wouldn't actually clutter things that much.

And the way styles are going you could probably get rid of the little row which declares what the topics are (Topic, announcements rows) and simply colour the table rows for different types of sticky (since anouncements are basically the same thing).
ChAoS wrote:My guess is that there'll be an extra permission added called "Can Post Global Announcements: yes/no/ignore"
Yes, but where? If it was in forum permissions then different forums might have different permissions. What if when you go into forum permissions, underneath the forum selection box (for choosing which forum to set permissions for) there was an extra box for global announcements permissions. These permissions would apply to ALL global announcements in all forums?
Last edited by haravikk on Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Since your global announcement has defeated me...

Post by SilverSnake8 »

am i missing something??? .... how the heck do i post a global announcement on my CVS board????
Yea, so I don't like Bush! :P

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