this still in development?

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this still in development?

Post by AI »

i stumbled here by accident. it seems so quiet about 2.2...

anyhwo i noticed the UCP doesnt work at all for me here.
the only link that brings up anything is the "Profile Link" and that results in an error:
Template->loadfile(): Error - file does not exist or is empty
Please notify the board administrator or webmaster : [email protected][/quote]

I tried "Search" but that results in an error too, besides it seems someone set the font size to ULTRA TINY in the search form...

Aaanyway, I am a happy user of 2.0.4 without any mods. Just a tad unhappy that there's no real good integration into phpwebsite. but then again i might drop phpwebsite anyhow...

Keep up the good work!

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Re: this still in development?

Post by Aexoden »

This is quite still in development, which while I admit the search function here is broken, the search function at the main phpBB forums does work (at least... usually -- seems to die if you enter a query that will return a lot of results). Anyway, there there are numerous posts about phpBB 2.2. There is a roadmap available on" target="_blank -- this is currently pre-Milestone 2 (at least according to numerous team members' signatures. :D).

Bug reporting is useless at this stage, since the software is still highly in development and a lot of stuff hasn't been worked on yet. If I notice a bug, I tend to write it down, and as they get fixed, cross it off my list. Incidentally, the two bugs I thought it were necessary to write down (as in ones that aren't a result of a page that hasn't been worked on yet...) have both been corrected without my intervention.

Finally, the template is being adjusted to use non-fixed font sizes, and pages that haven't been adjusted yet tend to have really small fonts. All will be fixed in time. :D

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Re: this still in development?

Post by Wert »

This script is in an "alpha state", so please don't bother reporting bugs at this time.
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Re: this still in development?

Post by Jaeboy »

Not even alpha....

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